~ April Fools Day Pranks ~

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I don't know about you, but I have a love-hate relationship with this day. One of my friends has his birthday on the first of April and I always try to make sure I say happy birthday to him. Everyone he meets for the first time usually thinks its a joke, but it isn't (Believe me, I checked).

But I did get pranked this morning with... Pancakes... I was so excited this morning to have my favourite breakfast option and inside... Was not something nice... I thought it was Nutella inside but it was raw bean paste...

If it wasn't for the apology pancakes afterwards, I would have cried xD

If you guys played a prank on anyone let me know in the comments! Did you manage to get the reaction you were hoping for or did it backfire?


Quote of the day!

"Crap it's April Fools Day"

- Me as I woke up to tell my friend 'Happy Birthday'


"(y/n)!" Keith shouted. "Can you give me a hand with this?"

You frowned, peering out the bedroom door. "Uh... What do you need help with?"

Keith pointed to the ceiling light above him. One of the lights had buzzed out while the others were bright as day. "I'll get the lightbulb, can you get ready to screw it on?"

"Yeah sure."

You switched the lights off before pulling a chair under the burnt light. You wondered how the light had burned out so quickly. You had replaced the lights two weeks ago. I'll be it, the lights you had purchased were cheap so maybe there was a faulty one in the bundle.

Keith returned with a bulb in hand and a screwdriver. You gave him quick thanks, unscrewing the light to switch out the faulty light. As you reached for the bulb, it shifted in your hand. You ignored the strange sensation until the 'bulb' cracked above your head raining down raw egg all over your hair and clothes.

"Keith Kogane!" You screeched.

Keith let out a peal of boisterous laughter, clutching his stomach. "April Fools Day!"

"I am getting you back for this," you growled.


You pursed your lips into a small knot as you silently snapped a picture of some blueberry muffins. As soon as the photo was taken, you uploaded the snap onto Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and Snapchat. You boasted about your creation, eventually getting your boyfriend's attention.

Hunk called out from the living room. "Bun-bun? Why are you posting in social media? You didn't even have Snapchat, Twitter or Instagram."

"Yeah but it looks so cute and stylish!"

A silence hung in the air until Hunk walked over to the kitchen sceptically. "Why are you acting so cute all of a sudden?"

You shrugged with an innocent smile, "I don't know what you're talking about?"

Hunk lifted a brow, flicking his eyes between you, your phone and the muffins. "This is a prank isn't it?"

"Huuunk," You whined, "Why can't a girl just enjoy social media for once?"

"... Because you never enjoyed it in the first place..."

"Fine, just try it."

Hunk squinted his eyes, slowly inching towards the island counter. The muffins did smell delicious and the photographs that he saw weren't helping. Hunk imagined how delicious they would taste fresh from the oven. Hunk scooped up a muffin, peeling the cover before taking a bit into the desert.

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