Our Demons

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Jungkook's past

When Jungkook was about ten years old, he was bullied for the fact that he sang.
Even though a lot of people looked down on him, he still managed to come out ok. A year after he started getting bullied, he was walking back home from school. And a van stopped by him, the man asked if he needed a ride. Jungkook, being the inoccent child he is, said sure.

But, they didn't drive to his house...

They drove an hour away from were he lived...

But he couldn't do anything...

Because those people knocked him out...

And when he woke up...

The men gave him to a gang that selled little kids to creepy guys for money.

So, you already know what happened to him when he woke up.

But if your inoccent like him, then know, that after that day Jungkook was completely scarred. Physically, and mentally...

He still suffers from it, remembering all the stuff they did to him...


He is scared

He is scarred

But mostly

He is a fighter

Namjoon's Demons

Namjoon's mother never really supported the fact of him being an idol/rapper. And when he was in middle school, he would make tapes and rap.

On a Friday when he was coming home, he walked into his mom tearing up him music, tapes, every piece of music he had. She was pissed.

She didn't want her son to grow up to be a thug. She wanted him to be a doctor or a lawyer who made a lots of money. But she didn't realize that his dream wasn't any of those. It was music.

After a month before that happened, his mother became an acholic. She would hang on his door ordering him to let her in. She would smash the bottles of wine or beer at him creating scars all over him.

His teachers would ask why he had scars. He was a good son, so he just said it was because he played outside to much. They all believed it.

But he knew it wasn't true...

Next part will be Yoongi's and Taehyung's

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