chapter nine

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She was so tired of having to worry all the time, about everyone. When she would go alone in those woods, she never had to worry on whether or not someone would get hurt because she was never there. I was never there.

Allison widened her eyes and realized that Beth needed her now more than ever and all she was doing was thinking about herself. She got up as quickly as she could and then started to walk to the house.

As she was walking however, she bumped into a hard chest, the person grunting at her. "Watch where yer' going, woman."

Allison rolled her eyes at the man, making her way into the house. When she got upstairs, she opened the door to Beth's room, seeing Maggie banging on the bathroom door.

"What'd you do?" She asked her younger sister, who turned to her with tear stained cheeks.

"God, I left her with Andrea." Maggie mumbled angrily.

Lori came into the room and widened her eyes at the two sisters who were banging on the door, trying to get it open. "What happened?"

"She's in there. I heard glass." Maggie told her, yelling out her sister's name.

"Beth, open the door!" Allison yelled, doing everything she could to get her sister out from there and into her arms.

Maggie started to look for something to open the door and Allison remembered that she had a bobby pin in her hair and she could open the lock with that.

The door finally got open and the first thing Allison saw was her youngest sister, holding her wrist as blood dripped down and onto the floor. "I'm sorry." Beth cried and her older sister instantly held her, telling her it was okay.


Allison saw Andrea run up the house when she was sitting in her usual spot.

"You were supposed to watch her." She told her, and Maggie stepped behind the blonde, watching to see if Allison would do anything.

"I heard, is she alright?" Andrea panted, suddenly looking concerned for the girl even though she left her to commit suicide.

"She would be if you had stayed with her, where were you?" Maggie pressed, walking in front of Allison.

"How bad is she?"

"It wasn't deep." Allison told her, narrowing her eyes. "You're lucky."

"She wants to live. She made her decision." Andrea smiled, as if this was the most happiest moment in the world.

"She tried to kill herself." Maggie started to raise her voice.

Andrea shook her head. "No, she didn't."

"My father is stitching her wrist right now!" Maggie yelled, getting in her face. Allison stepped back, remembering that she was in the same position as Beth when she was younger. She looked down to her wrist, sighing at her fading scars.

She walked inside the house, seeing Beth on the table sobbing as Hershel sewed her skin back together. "All done." He told her and she nodded, going upstairs to take a shower.

"Seeing her like that... it reminded me alot of when you were younger." Hershel told his daughter, remembering that day almost perfectly.

Allison didn't say anything as she just sat down across from him.

"Seeing you surrounded in your own blood, a knife in hand." Hershel inhaled deeply, tears forming in his eyes.

"I'm sorry." Allison cried, looking towards the ground as it seemed to be the most important thing in the room.

Hershel didn't say anything else to his older daughter as he walked out from the house, probably to go check on the horses.

Allison traced her hand on her wrist, tears unknowingly dropping from her eyes.


sorry!! this chapter is so short :/ but we got a little background of Allison's past 😏 and I promise next chapter will have more action!

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