Chapter 1

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I sighed as I got out the bed and turned off my alarm clock. I walked into the bathroom and looked in the mirror. I looked horrible. Let me introduce myself, I am Ashlyn Carter. I'm a werewolf and today is my 16th birthday. I will also find my mate and shift into my wolf today. Once I find my mate everything should get better. Let me tell you what I mean by that. At school I'm the loner girl who gets bullied by everyone. At home I am beat by my dad when my mom is away, wich is like almost everyday. She stays home on weekends but weekdays she's never home. It's even worse when my dad's drunk. No one knows about the beatings except for me, my older sister Jasici, and my younger brother Andrew. We can't tell anyone because no one would belive us. Also because he threatened to kill me if I told and blame my death on rouges. I walked out the bathroom to get my towl. I hopped in the shower and let the hot water hit my skin. After I got out I did all the other stuff that I needed to do in the bathroom and went to my closet. I picked out my purple crop top and black skinny jeans. I put on my black vans and went downstairs. "Happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday dear Ashlyn happy birthday to you." My mom, sister, and brother sang to me as I came down stairs. "Thanks guys" I said while hugging them. My father was still sleeping. After I let go of them I said, "Well I'm going to school see ya." They waved good bye and I started walking to school. It was like a five minute walk to school so I didn't mind walking there.Once I got there I went to my locker and got the stuff I needed for class. Once I was done I went to my first class which was history. I was the first one in, as usual. I got out my phone and got on wattpad while I waited for class to start. 15 minutes after class had started the school's star football player Camedon walked in. As soon as he did I smelt the most amazing smell. Like pine cones and cinimon. Our eyes met and it was like time stoped. He is my mate. YAY I found my mate.

Camdon pov

I know that my mate is not that loner girl Ashly or something like that. No it can't be. Well I will just reject her. 'No you idiot take her she wants you.' My wolf caleb said. 'Well i don't want her she's a loner and a nerd.' I said. My wolf just growled and cut the connection. After class was over I pulled Ashly or whatever her name is into a empty classroom. "I Camdon Blake Reject you Ashlyn Carter as my mate and Luna." I saw a flash of pain in her eyes. I instantly felt guilty. 'you should' My wolf said before cutting off the connection. She ran out the classroom on the verge of tears.

Ashlyn pov

I ran out the room crying. I just got rejected. I ran out the school and went home. No one was there so they didn't see me come home. I went upstairs to my room and sat on my bed. I got out my diary and wrote

Dear Diary,

My life sucks! Today was suppose to be the day that my mate protects me and loves me. But instead it's the day that he rejects me. I guess my life will always be like this. I will get bullied and beaten all my life. I wil die alone. I will die mateless because I'm not worthy to be loved or cared for by people.

After I wrote that I started thinking. What if I ran away. I wouldn't have to face my mate or my father. I packed some stuff in a duffle bag. Then I looked at the stuffed animal that my sister gave me for my birthday when I was five. I put it in the bag. I went in the bathroom and found something I could never leave behind. My neckalace that my mother gave me last year. It was her mothers and she gave it to her when she was 15 too. I put it in the bag so that it wouldn't tear when I shifted later today. After I finished packing I wrote a note,

Dear family,

I am running away. I am bullied at school everyday and I got rejected today. There is one more reason but I won't say it for their sake. I won't be coming back home any time soon. Mom I love you and I always will. Jasici I will miss you alot I hope you find your mate soon. Andrew be a good little bro okay. I love you guys i will try to contact you somehow but for now this is good bye.


Thats what I wrote before leaving my home and becoming a rouge.

*hours later*

I was breathing heavily from runing for so long. I was about to go to sleep when I let out a scream. I heard my bones cracking and shifting. Then it stopped. I looked down and realized I had paws instead of feet. I had finaly shifted. 'yup and I am Claire your wolf' My wolf sated. 'nice to meet ya Claire' After I finaly figured out how to shift back I put on some sweats and a hoddie. I laid down on the ground and slowly drifted off to sleep.

Camdon pov

I'm such an idiot. I just rejected my mate. I have to apoligize to her.

Jasici pov

I just came home from work and decided to ask Ash if she wanted to go shoping with me. She should be home from school by now. I went up to her room and knoked on her door. She didn't answer. I opened the door and she wasn't in there. I saw a note on her bed. I picked it up and read it. I was sitting on the floor crying when Andrew came in. "Whats wrong Jas?" He asked. I gave him the note and he sat down beside me crying with me. Then mom came in and she read the note and said, "Does anyone know who her mate is?" We shook our heads. The doorbell rang. I went downstairs to answer it. It was Camdon. "Is Ashlyn here?" He asked. Why did he want to see her. Unless he was her mate. "Are you her mate?" I asked. He went rigid. So he was. I was extreamly mad. "WELL SHE RAN AWAY OKAY BECAUSE OF YOU IT'S ALL YOUR FALT I LOST MY BABY SISTER!" I yelled. He had guilt all over his face and I slammed the door in his face. I slid down to the floor and cried.

Ashlyn pov

*Weeks later*

I was so weak and tiered. I hadn't eaten in days and I was tiered. I layed down by a tree. I was almost asleep when I heard a twig snap. I opened my eyes and looked around. I didn't see anyone. When I laid down I was picked up by my hair and thrown into a tree. Black dots covered my vision until it was all darkness. My last thought was I'm in some deep poop.

So how do you like the first chapter huh huh. I am also going to do this thing where I ask really odd and random questions just for fun. So here's the first one

If you could be any spongebob character who would you be? I would be Sandy

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