21: Eyeball Imagine: Party Game

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You really didn't want to go to this party but did you have a choice, no, no you didn't. Your phone was ringing every two seconds every time answering with a no. Until you had enough and finally picked up the phone once again trying to untangle the curly wire. Before your friend said anything you sighed in defeat "Fine I'll come Jesus Christ" you could hear a shriek coming down the line "Yayyy!"

You decided on wearing a dark blue semi-short dress with some bluish black slip-on shoes. Your hair was fine, you had put soft waves in it earlier so it looked somewhat decent so you didn't have to do it again. You looked in the mirror and sighed "Here goes nothing."

You hated parties, nothing ever good happened at them, actually a good thing was the free beer. But anyway you've never even hooked up a make out session with anyone yet. Everyone else found parties amazing, spectacular even but you just thought they were a lame excuse for fun.

Yes, you are a party pooper. There was no two ways about it.

You walked out the house and heard your parents shout "Be back by at least 1am please!". Your parents are very calm about curfew as they trusted you and you intended to keep that trust as it had its perks. Your friends house was only a two minute walk away and so you weren't in any rush to get there so running wasn't needed. After a minute or so of lonely walking you could finally see the people and hear the somewhat loud music.

As you walked through the door Y/F/N embraced you in a hug "Youuu made ittttt!" she drawled.
"Shit you're drunk." you laughed awkwardly. "Co-come play the game with us." *hiccup* "We were waiting for you!" she grabbed your hand whilst dragging you to the table with a bunch of boys and girls standing around it.

"So this is Y/N guys!" Y/F/N introduced you to people you have been to school with for the past year "Yeah you're definitely drunk." you chuckled as well as everyone else.

"So guys we're playing 7 minutes in heaven." Y/F/N said eagerly "James explain the rules!" (A/N: James is some random dood okay)

"Oh god." you thought to yourself.

"So the bottle will be spun and whoever it lands on goes in the closet and then we will spin the bottle again and whoever it lands on then goes in with the other person." James explained.

Y/F/N spun the green, glass, beer bottle first as she was the hostess and it span for what seemed like forever until it of course landed on you... "Fuck. Right okay well see ya then." you groaned walking into the closet, just your luck, isn't it. Within a minute a mysterious boy stepped into the closet.

"Hey." you smiled blushing like crazy, only he can't see that.

"Hey." the boy said.

"Which one are you then?" you asked.

"Well umm I'm guessing you mean boys, well I went to the toilet and then went to the table to get another beer and the bottle of course had to of landed on me and I was shoved in here so haha lucky you." he replied chuckling.

"Oh well hey I'm Y/N." you held a hand out and he took it "Hey I'm Eyeball-."

You smiled "Aha you're a Chambers then?" you could tell he was nervous by his palms starting to swear slightly. "Is that a problem?" you pulled your hand away and smiled "Of course not, I'm not like that."

The two of you sat on the floor and he said "I would say pretty name for a pretty girl but I kinda can't see ya face." you laughed "Oh what a lame pickup line Eyeball. Oh also cool name."

You continued to talk for what seemed like forever until you got a knock on the door "Four minutes guys." you were about to say how quick time had gone but before you knew it Eyeball had grabbed your face and smashed his lips onto yours.

You pulled away and laughed "Okay I haven't done this before so I'll suck okay." you could feel Eyeball smile against your lips "Y/N it's fine."

Then you attached lips again, you got onto his lap and straddled him whilst he held your ass and you ran a hand through his hair. A slight moan escaped from your lips and he slipped his tongue into your mouth.

You did this make out sesh for the remaining four minutes and got interrupted by a cough "Uh well done Y/N."
Y/F/N was standing there with a hand on her hip and a bunch of people behind her clapping for some odd reason.

As the two of you both stepped out the closet hand in hand Eyeball smiled at you "Well, pretty name for a pretty girl." you just giggled and blushed "Just shut up and kiss me." he gladly obliged and kissed you again.

Ooo this got a bit saucy didn't it, I think. Anyway this was pretty cool. God doods please send requests as I'm dying over here for ideas. If the chapter rate slows down don't judge, I'll be trying to think of ideas. Anyway thanks for reading, don't forget to comment and vote if you like.

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