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My heart almost sank. I felt stupid and embarrassed to the extent of actually drowning myself in an ocean and let those tides swallow me.

I soon cleared my throat and wanted to say that it was a prank. But before I could do that, he smiled. He smiled looking at the ring and back at me. Back at the ring and back at me and this thing went on like forever.

No words needed. He hugged me and I hugged him back feeling a lot relieved. And after the whole emo drama was over, he said that he wanted to take me out for dinner, to which I agreed.

We arrived at the place and walked inside, hand in hand, swaying it back and forth like lost couples .... This feeling was new to me! Just me and him, like kids, no worries, no regrets!

Once we sat down, we started talking about how our days went and then he suddenly pulled a box out of his coat.
And slid it towards me. I would be lying if I said I didn't know what was inside of it.
With a smile and a pounding heart, I opened it to find just what I needed.

He took out the ring and put it on my finger with his which was wearing my ring!

Are we engaged now?

He smiled at my obviously dumb question  and shyly nodded his head.

I didn't know what to say so I chose to play with the glass of water.
He ordered fancy dishes. Dishes that I didn't even know existed. And while having our meals, we would steal glances every now and then and laugh about it. The whole scenario was so plain yet colorful, ordinary yet exciting. And while we were having our conversation on whether or not Titanoboas really lived ages ago, my eyes landed on a familiar figure. A short, well built figure that was seated only tables away from us. A figure that was looking at me, more like throwing daggers through its gaze towards me.



I didn't realize that I spoke his name out loud. A whisperish tone which was loud enough for Hyungwon to hear.

Umm ... Nothing. I- I think I'm done. I wanna ... Go home! Let's go home.
If you're done, well ...

I was clearly fumbling with words and of course sweating. In my perspective I did no wrong to him. I just didn't want to let Hyungwon know about all that happened between us because the story's not really worth it. He dumped me. Clearly. And I left him for good.

Are you alright?

I only nodded not looking at his face, staring at some point on the ground.

Yeah, I'm done too. Let's get going then!

We stood up and I started trailing behind him. I closed my eyes and held onto his hand and once we were outside, I quickly scanned the surroundings to feel relieved again!!

This was a long long day. Of course the ride back home was quiet. I didn't speak much and Hyungwon only tried to initiate small talks here and there but later gave up when he saw that it was going no where ....

Kihyun was on my mind the whole time. He was there .... in the restaurant. Alone! Did he somehow figure out that I'd probably be there? Did he ...

I shut my eyes tight to the point of wrinkling my lateral parts of the eyes. I just didn't want to think about it. Especially not today. The most memorable day in my life.

Our Engagement day!

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