n i n e

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{{part one}}

July 28, 1934

**important note about chapter nine from author.// hi guys! So this chapter update is very long over-due! To make up for that, chapter nine will be longer than previous chapters and will be divided into a few  parts. Also, this chapter does include a drunk Rafe. If you remember from the movie where Rafe and Danny get into their fight at the Hula Bar, Danny mentions that Rafe "has always been a rotten drunk." I wanted to give a back story to that... And with that-- I bring you chapter nine. Enjoy!**

In every love story comes a concreted hurdle that always stands between the two lovers path from reaching their happily ever after..

For Danny and I, our story was no different than those romantic fairy tales written amongst pages within the bookshelf in my bedroom. Though what stood between us wasn't made from stone-- yet he still wedged like a heavy rock between our relationship. Keeping us from being known to the world.

...Even though the rumor has always been around about Danny and I, and whether we were together. But Rafe always shot those myths down, or so he believes to be fake.

Staggering with his arm draped over the shoulders of some fire headed, small framed, local bimbo named Mary. Rafe's eyes were tightly pulled almost closed, his feet tripping over one another with every step they made closer to our group that had been waiting for their arrival for the past hour.

The evidence of Daddy's locked away whiskey flowed vividly in my older brother veins. His face dimming to a faded violet, as his blood pressure could never control itself while under the influence. Rafe was spiraling carelessly in front of everyone, no regrets, just numb from the present that he seemed to be hiding from.

And we were the only ones who could see it.

I could sense the tension building high within Rafe. What ever the whiskey was trying to disguise, must be one hell of a hefty burden to make my brother act out this way.

Even though we shared the family tradition that every McCawley in our family (other than Dad,) enjoyed... At times a bit too much. But Rafe and I always had our limits and never dared to squander over them... At least not in the public's eye.

Giggling flirtatiously slurred remarks into Mary's ear. His smile was easy to define as fake. Rafe was almost unrecognizable to myself, and as my eyes rolled in the direction to a more perfect reality that stood tall and ever so handsomely only a few feet away...

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