TWENTY FIVE: Insecurities

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*Twenty three weeks*

"If it kicks my bladder one more time...I'm gonna piss all over you..." I growled in a low, sleepy manner, making sure to shift closer into Hawks as we cuddled up in bed.

The first trickles of morning light seemed to almost ooze through the cracks in the blinds, and my groggy fiance uttered a loud yawn as he pulled me tight against his chest.
"Sure...Sounds hot..." He mumbled, obviously not having the capacity to understand my very serious threat.

He had gotten in at around three in the morning, from god knows where, and I had just pretended that I hadn't been up and waiting for him. His dinner was covered with saran wrap in the refrigerator, and I was wildly pissed that he had missed yet another ultrasound the afternoon before.

It wasn't that I thought he didn't care about our baby. I knew he did, but it was all too suspicious to me. More than once I had caught the mild odour of smoke, akin to the scent of a cheap tramp, but not quite. It was harsh and almost natural, and every time I caught a whiff when he slunk into the house, I  felt like it may just suffocate me.

Gritting my teeth, I tried to wriggle my way out of coiled arms and feathers; cussing and cursing, before deciding I had to be a little more aggressive.
"Get off me..." My hiss; partnered with a fairly brisk slap to his face with the back of my hand, startled him enough to loosen his grip, and I shimmed myself and my swelling belly to the side of the bed.
"Oi, oi! What was that for..?!" Hawks whined as he sat up as well, pawing at his abused cheek.

Choosing to ignore him, for the sake of my own blood pressure, I just stood up with a grunt and padded off towards the bathroom. That room had become my sanctuary over the past twenty three weeks. So much so that I knew exactly how many tiles lined the floor, and knew that the shower head dripped once every eighteen point seven seconds.

He...wouldn't really cheat on me...right..?

The more things carried on as they had been, the more I believed it could very well be the case. I didn't want to even consider the possibility, especially not when Hawks would gaze into my eyes and give me that soft, charming smile. The one that belonged to me. The one that nobody else was supposed to see.


It wasn't a new thing; crying in the bathroom, but each time it ate me up just a little more. With a hand over my mouth, I muffled the pitiful sobs that threatened to stream out and bounce off the walls, and my other hand clutched the edge of the basin to steady myself. The baby was squirming about, and I squeezed my eyes shut, trying to calm myself and the little boy or girl that was beginning to do somersaults.

Sorry sweetheart...Mommy's just...Well, Mommy doesn't even know...I'm sorry, honey...

A light rap at the door made me flinch, and my eyes shot open to stare at myself in the mirror.

"Sunshine? Hey, you okay in there..?" Hawks called out, and I couldn't miss the concern in his tone. What hurt, though, was that I wasn't even sure it was genuine. It was impossible to answer. I could almost taste the smell of smoke that he had carried home with him that morning, and it made me feel all kinds of sick. "Seriously...Can you unlock the door..?"

I have to face him about it sooner or later...

Not even bothering to try and make myself look even partially in control of my emotions, I turned around, walked those three short paces, and opened the door. I had barely been in his sights for a second before he tried to embrace me; to soothe me, but I pushed back against him.
"Wh..where do you go when you don't come home..?"

ICARUS - Hawks x Reader Where stories live. Discover now