Save Me

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~Ash's P.O.V~

I bit my lip, crossing my fingers that Sam didn't notice the sentence I had started. I paid close attention to our surroundings as we walked by my mind wandered. I was going to say my mum. My mum.... Mum. It has been a long time sense she last crossed my mind.

I squeezed my knuckles tightly in my long sleeves, shoving away any thought of my mother. Her memory haunting me didn't need to ruin this time with Sam or this case that I'm working on. Sam looked over at me with his wide curious puppy dog eyes.

"Something wrong, Ash...?" He questioned softly in a warm almost comforting voice. I stared into his beautiful eyes for a moment before blinking and smiling. "Not a thing is wrong." I said in a happy voice. "Ok. Good." He said in response.

I nodded and looked up at the sky which was growing dark and stars began to shine across the expanse of the blue sky. Small rays of sunlight barely touched the deep blue ceiling of the world as the sun disappeared behind the mountain. I sighed softly at the beauty of the quickly falling dusk and at the green woods next to us.

On the other side of the road a tawny horse ran along the length of a fence as we walked, throwing his head back and rearing up on his back hooves, tossing his black mane. We stopped for a moment to watch the horse, who seemed to be trying to impress us. I smiled widely and laughed when the horse bent in a bow.

Suddenly I froze, not moving, not breathing, not making a sound. I had heard a branch snap. Slowly I reached out and pulled Sam's sleeve gently to get his attention.

"Sam.... There is something behind us...." I mumbled softly.

He let his eyes on the horse but nodded to symbolize that he had heard me. Another twig snapped. Sam moved his arm as if to pull me close but it was too late.

The sound of branches snapping was heard and there was a woosh of wind in my ears. I felt something grasp my waist and I felt a violent yank on my waist. Sam yelled and made frantic motions to grab me as I was pulled away from him. I kicked and screamed, trying desperately to get away.

As I was pulled back into the woods Sam ran at me, trying to grab me. I strained at the grasp of my captor and stretched out my hand, reaching as far as I could to grab his hand.

I strained, pulling as hard as I possibly could, my feet finding the ground and I planted them there, desperately trying to root myself, trying to stay.

Sam ran as fast as he could, fear in his eyes. I reached my hand for his and finally, finally our hands met. But only for a second.

With a stomach lurching tug I was yanked away from Sam. One tear rolled down my cheek as I thought how I would never get to feel his soft skin again.

I continued to struggle but my attempts were useless. The dark, star spelled sky shown bright above my head as the Wendigo ran with me through the woods.

After a moment we got to a wooden door with ivy handing over. I took one last gasp of fresh air and a longing look at the beautiful sky overhead before being yanked into the darkness.

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