The One Who Lived

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The two wizards followed Draco's eyes to the apartment door and saw that it was wide open with several creatures watching them. The only one that moved was Sanguini who simply pulled Severus close, but the look in his eyes was the same as the others. They were all willing to help ...


A much older Hermione adjusted a display filled with iPhones under the banner saying 'Weasley World''s 10th Anniversary Party', but frowned, "Hey, Fred! George! I think it might look better if we put the cell phones in the window case!" She yelled to the guys in the back room.

Fred poked his head out, "Those are the newest versions so it'd be the first to go and then we'd have a naked window! Maybe put three on the tallest window stand, but that's all."

Ron came through the front door with Greg and Vincent, "I got some help! Greg and Vincent volunteered!"

"That's perfect timing! We have to hurry! Cameras for the Daily News is coming to cover the party!" George yelled from the back room before coming out with a smirk. "I think they're trying to catch a glimpse of Cache.

Hermione rolled her eyes as she choose three phones to put on the window display, "Bunch of pixies. Can't they leave him alone."

Greg scowled, "I wish they would. Draco really needs his rest now."

"Cache is coming, by the way, but without Draco. We went over earlier to make sure Draco was ok. Of course, he just can't rest and the move isn't helping." Vincent said a little amused as well as annoyed.

"Great! I have his order ready-" Hermione paused as she spotted three people coming towards the store and ran to throw the door open. "Neville! Ginny! Blaise! It's good to see you guys!"

Ginny smiled, "We came to help! If this is going to be anything like last year you're going to have a lot of people!"

Ron smiled as he hugged his sister, "Thank you! We got brand new products of all types so we're expecting a rush." When he pulled back he frowned and looked at Neville. "Our mother isn't causing any problems, right?" He asked glancing protectively at Ginny.

Neville laughed as he spotted the protective look, "Your mother isn't living with us in the manor. I would never allow that." He said kissing Ginny lovingly. "She's living at the same house my grandma was banished to. Those two will annoy each other to no end, but it won't get too bad with my parents dropping in to check on them. Your Dad has stopped by several times already."

"Yeah ... Dad has been on edge since Mom was released from Azkaban." Ron sighed before glancing around to see if Hermione was in earshot, which she wasn't. "Hermione told me it wasn't my business, but I got to know. How did you three get together?" He whispered.

Ginny smiled, "We bonded over a few pranks we pulled trying to make some sparks between Cache and Draco."

Ron gaped, "You pranked Cache? I get Ginny and Blaise, but you?" He gasped while staring at Neville in awe.

Blaise smirked as he held one of Neville's arms while Ginny hugged the Gryffindor's other arm, "He did the best prank of all of us."

Neville chuckled sheepishly, "It wasn't much ... it's not anything sank into their heads until  the cure was done." He said, but gave in when he got eager nudges from his lovers. "I put a heart monitor rune on Draco when we were 15 and when I felt his heart race I told Cache I saw him looking ill. When Cache went to check ..." Neville blushed and trailed off, but it was obvious that Cache caught Draco in the middle of pleasuring himself.

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