Saved ~ Zane

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You stared blankly at the large computer screen before you as you have been doing for the past day or so. It had been a day since you were captured by Zane and P.I.X.A.L.

You were starving and dehydrated, fading in and out of consciousness.

The computer before you was one of the many super-computers that hosted applications and softwares released by Borg Industries.

It didn't take long for you to realize that it had been corrupted by a virus. It had started with the processing speed slowing down alarmingly and then the constant crashing of the system.

You had a plan but you were waiting for both Zane and P.I.X.A.L to leave the room before carrying it out, to not risk any further abuse from P.I.X.A.L.

It was only a couple of hours before they would leave to carry out their plan and then you could yours.

"We should probably get rid of her to cover up any of our tracks." P.I.X.A.L said, rummaging through one of her duffle bags before pulling out a pipe, already stained with your blood.

Zane stepped in front of her, "Should I freeze her?"

P.I.X.A.L shook her head, "No, she's given me a lot of grief these past few months, I want to do this."

Your eyes widened, your heart accelerating, you had to do this. Now

"Computer, activate voice command—"

"What? What are you doing?!" 'Voice Command Activated.'

"Authorization (Y/N) (L/N)." 'Access Granted'

"Stop that!" 

Your breath was knocked out of your lungs when the cold metal made contact with your ribs. P.I.X.A.L. struck again and you groaned.

"Run Borg Antivirus. Load Firewall 5." 'Access code required.'

P.I.X.A.L. struck you again and you gasped, tears falling. You panted as she slammed the pipe against your back.


'Access granted'

You screwed your eyes shut, waiting for the next blow but you heard the sound of metal hitting the floor and then saw Zane flat against the floor, switched off.

"Computer send an alert to Cyrus Borg." You said, trying to keep your eyes open as you began seeing spots in your vision.

'Subject of message'


'Alert Sent'

Then everything went black.

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