23. Chris Imagine: Science Partners

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You were staring out the window of the science class as the clouds rolled on by, "Miss Y/L/N stop daydreaming." your attention was slowly pulled back to the boring lesson and what the teacher was teaching.

"So this project will be a partner project." you instantly looked at Y/F/N and she looked at you back but before the two of you and everyone else could move to their friends the teacher spoke over everyone "I'll be partnering everyone up." Groans filled the entire class.

But honestly it wasn't such a bad idea as you and Y/F/N got marked an F in your last project. Let's say you gave up on the project and listened and danced around to music for the whole time.

As he started calling out names your name and someone else's finally got called out from the list "Miss Y/L/N and Mr Chambers."
Shit you were partnered up with your crush from primary school and now the bad-boy of the school.

Chris had changed over the summer, he had grown more hair on his head and had the hair you just want to run your hands through for hours. He still hung out with his dorky friends who were all funny as fuck when together.

Chris was also more taller now and more scarier than ever but from what you remember he had the kindest heart. But his reputation gave him the bad-boy vibe, it was also said he had being getting with more girls and some say he's ending more like his brother each day.

But that you questioned as Chris had always refused to drink or go near a beer can as he never wanted to end up like his father. But you didn't know what to believe as everything about him was either fake or true.

You sighed and made your way over to Chris' desk "Hey Chambers." you said whilst slamming your hands on the desk. He looked at you "Aha hey Y/N, jeez when was the last time we talked?" jesus he was cute when he laughed. "Good question actually, I don't know." you chuckled and sat down next to him whilst pulling out your work folder.

The two of you got very little planning done as you two wouldn't stop joking and talking around as you wanted to catch up with one another.
"Look Y/N do you wanna come by the treehouse later on so we can do this project?" he asked as the bell rang for next period.
"You still use that treehouse?" you smirked with an eyebrow raised. He shrugged "Why wouldn't we? Look meet me there after school today." you nodded "Okay sure."

The bell rang to signal the end of the day, "Where you going?" Y/F/N asked as you turned to walk the other way.
"Treehouse." you replied. She raised an eyebrow in curiosity "Huh?" you rolled your eyes "I'll call you later okay." she waved "Okay Y/N."

You walked up the small hill and Chris was standing there below the tree in his gorgeous glory the sun was shining perfectly on him, why were you thinking that.

"Hey Chambers!" you smiled cheerfully as you walked up the last bit of the hill, he smiled back when he saw you "Hey Y/N."

You both climbed up the old wooden broken ladder and you looked around the treehouse once you reached the top.
"Wow this hasn't changed one bit." Chris laughed "You haven't either. Yes Y/N I've seen you around and you've not changed one bit." you shook your head "Come on Chambers, let's do this project or well at least get it started."

You were sticking two cards together and you caught him staring again. He kept staring and you honestly kinda liked it. "Watcha staring at Chambers?" you stared at him a smirk plastered your face. He chuckled and ran a hand through his fluffy blonde perfect hair "Nah you're just really pretty and really cute when you're concentrating, it's distracting me."

You blushed at his words, "Stop it Chambers." you continued to blush, then he came out with a question "Y/N, why do you call me Chambers."

Shit he caught you out. You could never say his first name without blushing so you stuck to 'Chambers' because it was somewhat safer.

He waved a hand in front of your face "Hello. Earth to Y/N..." you chuckled as you were snapped out of your train of thought.
"Umm, well basically. When I say Chris I blush, like I am now, and so I stick to Chambers as I don't blush and what I'm trying to say is well I like you."

Shit you liked him, you still had them feelings and of course you told him, why did you tell him. He'll reject you now. Great can't wait to be the laughing stock at school.

"You, um you like me?" he rubbed his neck, "Oh god I wasn't meant to say anything it's okay I know you don't-" you were cut off by his lips on yours.

Holy crap, Chris fucking Chambers was kissing you. Your body was erupting as you had always imagined Chris Chambers kissing you ever since you were little.

He moved onto the next level and grabbed your boob, which was shocking as a boy never touched you there. You moaned, of course, "Chambers." he then took this opportunity to stick his tongue in your mouth. You ran a hand through his golden hair and he moaned your name "Y/N..."

Then you couldn't help it, you laughed. Instead of him asking what's wrong he laughed along with you. "God Y/N....please be my girlfriend." still laughing you nodded "Sure, I would love too."

He then looked at you and placed a hand on your cheek and smiled "You know my 7 year old self would be so happy right now."

God this was sooooo bad!! Haha I have like only two ideas left and then I'm absolutely fucked.
Have you guys ever watched Friday Night Dinner, if not watch it. It's absolutely hilarious.
Anyway also you don't have to as it is asking for a lot but do you doods reckon you could drop me follow. You don't have to but ya know yeah. Thank you anyway for reading!!
As well as thank you for 800 reads and over 100 votes!!

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