chapter 13

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Me and Em walked into her apartment and we saw Bill and Paul holding Ted as he sobbed into their arms.
I've never seen him like this.
It was obvious we walked in at the wrong time.
But is he ok?
"Em," Paul came over to us and whispered into Ems ear.
She tried to pull me back but I was already off and next to Ted.
He looked at me.
I've never seen him like this.
He's always so strong for me.

I touched his arm, but it was as though I was burning his skin. He recoiled so quickly and he couldn't even look at me.
Before I even tried to go near him he had run off into the bathroom and shut himself in there.
Paul followed him, knocked on the door, and entered. Locking it behind him.
"Henry seriously I think just leave him for a bit..."
Em and Bill tried to pull me back.
And I let them.
I really messed up.
I never even knew this is how everything would end up.

We could hear Paul and Ted talking, but not the exact words.
Bill finally said something.
"Me and Sally are having a daughter."
"Wow! That's so good! What are you thinking of naming her!"
I tried so hard to sound enthusiastic but all I could focus on was what Ted was saying when his voice would raise.
"Alice or Rosie, Sals thinks Rosie but Alice is my choice... Her parents think Alice!"
I hum in agreement,
Emma still is silent.
She keeps looking at me.
"Alice is a pretty name, her middle name could be Rose? Maybe" Emma said, she'd gone quiet. She looked at a picture of her and Paul on the table.
"I'll go check on them," she walked over, knocked, "Paul, it's me. Can I come in?"
And she entered.
"I better be getting back to the misses!! I'll see you soon Henry!!!"
"Bye Bill, tell Sally I say congrats!"
He pat my back and left.
Dad of the group honestly.

I've never felt so unwelcome anywhere.
I text Emma, asking her to see if I can get in.
*i'll try my hardest henry x*
I hope she does.
*he said fine, but paul has to be there*
Thank god.
Emma comes out and we swap.
Ted was holding an empty bottle of shampoo, he was breaking it. Putting his energy into something else.

"Don't call me that"
We had swapped places now, it was me who didn't know what I have done wrong.
"Ted, please look at me"
I put my hand on his face and turned it towards me. He put his hand on top of mine; he threw it off.
"Don't touch me."
He's so cold. And shaking. I can see him shaking.
"I'm just going to..." Paul slinked off into the other room. I could hear him and Emma.
"Ted, I don't know what I've done?"
And he started.

"Don't you see? It hurts doesn't it. Someone so incredibly upset over something, and you don't fucking know what you've done! Fucking killing you right? You can feel it, a hole in your heart, and you don't know when it will be ok?"
Yes. He's got it spot on.
"The difference between us Henry, is you know you've done something wrong.
Don't play the whole "I'm a gorgeous sad man who can't do anything wrong!" game, I'm so fucking tired of games.
The games you play."
He's right; I can't even form any words.
"I never get answers, I don't want to hurt you. And that mentality has destroyed me on the inside out.
I'm done Henry.
We either need to end this now and just be friends, or you need to sort yourself out. It's not fair on either of us."
I want to kiss him.
I want us to be together.
I want him to love me the way I love him.
"I need to sort myself out Ted, but I need you to help me please-"
He shot forward and kissed me.
But he looked angry at himself, and avoided my eye contact.
"You need to sort yourself out without me, but Henry, I'm not putting up with your shit after May. So you better start now."
He's right.
I'll never be fully okay unless I help myself.
I can't believe he's kept this in.
For so long.
So long.

He left me on the bathroom floor, I heard him punch the wall to which Paul and Emma verbally panicked.
Paul walked him home.
Me and Emma sat in silence until Paul came back.
She seemed to be slightly rubbing her stomach,
"You hungry?"
"Not really, just I feel a bit sick, I might go to bed" She was so emotionless.
What's happened to everyone tonight.

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