Chapter Nineteen ~ The Cave

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The Fae drums stopped and silence fell upon the clearing with a raise of Eilians hand

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The Fae drums stopped and silence fell upon the clearing with a raise of Eilians hand.

"I have not harmed her yet nor will I if your love for her is true."

Aneurin's eyes darkened as he tilted his head to the side in question.

"And what exactly does that mean?"

Eilian smiled devilishly, the firelight turning his eyes a sinister orange as he turned to face the crowd of Unseelie Fae's, glowing back at him through the darkness of the forest.

"It has been said that if a fae is truly in love with a human, that human cannot be harmed by our magic nor by our blades. Shall we put it to the test?"

Suddenly, Eilian picked Enid up off of the forest floor and pulled her close to him, his grip on her arm tightening as he lifted his dagger to her throat, the cool metals sharpened edge painfully digging into her skin.

The drums sounded once more, ink pot eyes widening with expectation and excitement.

Enid's gaze remained locked onto Aneurin's as the Fae around her began slowly to beat on their drums, the anticipation on their faces rising with each passing moment. This was their sport, what they enjoyed doing most. That bloodlust was about to be quenched.

"And what if I don't love her? What if you slit her throat and she dies right here? What will you have achieved?" Aneurin's face remained hard and detached, though Enid could see the flicker of fear behind the mask and heard the unmistakable crack in his voice.

Eilian laughed, his pointed ears and teeth displayed to all.

"Then she will die, brother. And it will mean one less human to kill later on."

Aneurin struggled in his iron bonds, his energy and power being sapped by the iron with each passing moment. With dark shadows below his eyes and his hair dishevelled, Enid had never seen him so vulnerable.

Silently, he begged her forgiveness, tears welling up in his eyes.

Enid had never seen Aneurin cry.

The beat of the Unseelie Faes drums grew frantic, as the Faes leaned forward to get a better view. Some dared to draw near to Enid's feet, their elegant and pale fingers reaching out to brush against her cloak, whispering among themselves who would take it for their own.

With a smirk tugging at his lips, Eilian leaned down to Enid's ear, his warm breath sweeping across her cheek.

"I must say I am quite disappointed in you, Enid. How brave and bold you must have been as a child to attract my brother's attention. I will admit I have been eagerly awaiting our meeting, only to be left feeling cheated by the real thing-" He smiled cruelly, his eyes mocking as she turned her head to look at him, pointed nails biting into her cheeks.

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