25. Teddy Imagine: Dance Partners

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A/N: Heads up I know nothing about dance.
Y/G/F: Your guy friend.
Y/FN: Your fullname.

You had always loved to dance, no matter what dance could take your mind off things and just made you feel like the only living thing. As you had just finished doing your dance routine Teddy Duchamp, your history partner, was pushed in the room by the teacher.

Everyone stopped what they were doing and stared at Teddy and then back at the teacher who brought him in. Y/G/F walked over to you and whispered "Who's that and what is he doing here?" You turned to look at your friend, "His name is Teddy Duchamp and I have no clue why he's here."

Y/G/F just nodded and said "Well we better find out then." you nodded in agreement as you were intrigued in why Teddy was here.

Whispers went around the room and Teddy looked at you, you waved and he waved back. The teacher left Teddy's side and went to talk to the dance teacher so you decided to walk over to Teddy and ask him what he was doing here.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" you asked him. "Yeah they caught me smoking and then for punishment they put me in this class." he replied with a grunt.

You couldn't stop laughing "You dancing?!" you just continued to laugh as he glared at you "Yes I know Y/N for fuck sake." but to your dismay both teachers walked over to the two of you. Great.

"Aha Y/N, you know this young man." your dance teacher spoke "Sadly yes." you replied standing up straight. The dance teacher looked at you and then back at the teacher who brought Teddy in with her.

"This is Y/FN, she is one of my best dancers, I will partner him up with Y/N as she will make his time here for the next few months worthwhile." the teacher smiled at you and then the tall teacher who stood next to her.

You smiled as she praised you but that soon turned to a frown when she said about being partnered up with Teddy. "Okay sure Miss, I'm fine with that." you said grinding your teeth, "Come on Teddy." you muttered under your breath.

As you walked back over to your space giggles and stares surrounded the room, "Look don't fuck up my style." he rolled his eyes "Whatever."

As you were about to show Teddy what to do the teacher clapped her hands, and caught everyone's attention.

"Okay, so now we will be starting ballroom dancing." she stated with a broad smile, panic flashed in your eyes "Oh no, no, no!" you muttered "Why now?" you added whining. "Please get with a partner and start the following on what you know about ballroom." she clapped and went over to the stereo to play some music.

Teddy shrugged "What's that?" you mentally facepalmed your forehead and sighed "Come here, I'll teach you."

Lucky for you you already knew what ballroom dancing was and to your dismay you knew you would have to start of basic. "So what is it?" Teddy asked again, god this was going to be a very hard lesson as well with all the other lessons you were going to have with him.

"So hand on my waist." he looked down to your waist "No way am I doing that." you then couldn't be bothered to argue with him so you placed his hand there. You blushed as you never felt like this when someone touched your waist, which was weird but Teddy was also blushing as he had never touched a girl on their waist.

Then you placed an arm on his shoulder and then the other free arm made its way to his free arm and you interlocked hands. Let's say the both of you were a blushing mess, you had never been like this with anyone else so why Teddy?

The music started to play and you then had to teach Teddy the steps, you knew this is where the fun began.

"No that foot here and then there." you sighed getting frustrated with him. "Does it really fucking matter Y/N." he whined, you shot him a glare "Yes it does, now listen to me." he groaned in frustration but tried to listen.

You had been trying to teach Teddy dancing for hours and it was honestly the most difficult thing you have ever done but it was also so so funny at the same time.

At one point you stepped on his foot and then you both somehow fell over and landed on top of each other and then another time he ended up tripping over trying to take the piss out of a dance move.

It honestly wasn't as bad as you thought it would be, when the bell finally rang you were relived but still sad over the lesson ending. As you walked out of the dance studio and into the corridors you felt the familiar touch of Teddy Duchamp's hand on your shoulder.

"Hey Teddy." you smiled, "Um look Y/N do you wanna go to the Blue point with me like tomorrow and we can like practice our dance moves?" he asked.

You laughed getting the point at what Teddy was asking. "Teddy if you want to ask me out on a date just ask me." he sighed and adjusted his glasses and coughed. "Fine, I've kinda liked you since we started doing History together and so I thought now would be the great time to ask you would you like to go on a date with me?"

You just smiled and kissed him on the cheek "Tomorrow at 5pm at the Blue Point okay." he smiled "You bet."

As you walked away you heard him yell "Oi Chris guess what I gotta date with Y/N!"

God this sounded so much better in my head, god these imagines are just going down hill. Anyway thank you for 900 reads I'm ever so grateful!!❤️
Also this chapter has 1035 words holy crap. Sorry it's so long.

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