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I slowly walk up the grand beautiful stair case taking in the house. Not a single bit of dust lived on the pictures nor the lights. Every time I turned a corner it was bright and full of family pictures. I stare at a wall of family portraits, one for each and every year since Megan and Joes first child was born which to who I've never met.

By the time I hit Noah's room I count 12 people in the last family picture. A big whopping 12!!

"Noah? Dude open up." Austin says knocking on the beautiful wooden door. He lets out a huff as he turns toward me. "I put 10 bucks on he's not coming out for the rest of the day."

I look at the door for a second before slightly pushing Austin out of the way. "Noah?" I knock. I get close to the door listening as his footsteps pound and thud on the other side. I let out when I realize he choosing to ignore me. "Noah op-

"Brooke give it up he's not gonna- Austin begins but before he can finish the door is being launched open revealing a very emotionless Noah. He grabs my hand before striding straight down the hall ignoring how my short legs can't keep up.


"Shush." I shut my mouth and begin to follow silently. He leads me down the stairs all the way into the garage.

The big bright garage.

Full of very expensive cars....

"Pick one." I look up at him frowning my eyebrows.

"Noah don't be dumb. Your mom said you couldn't." He rolls his eyes.

"Does it look like I care right now. I love her to pieces but I need to get out of here." I slowly nod as I look away from him. I point to a black and yellow car in the corner.

 I point to a black and yellow car in the corner

Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.

I watch as his mouth breaks into a big grin. "Good choice, get in." He lets go of my head to grab the keys as I make my way to the passenger seat.

Not to long after he hops in the drivers side and turns on the car. "Ahhh." He exhales as the engine revs. "That's the sound of the worlds most expensive car." My eyes widen as his words register. But by the time I try to get out he's already on the street.

No escape.

His hand goes for the radio but I hit it away before he turns it on. "Why am I here?" He glances at me for a second before looking back at the road.

He smacks his lips. "Well I don't exactly know..." I give him a weird look.

"What the hell do you mean you don't know. Your the one that grabbed my hand and led me here. I didn't even want to come." He raises his eyebrows.

"So why are you still here? You could've walked away after I dropped your hand so why didn't you run? Why didn't you walk away?" I stare at the side of his face.

Why am I still here?

He glances over at me again with a big grin. "What baby, cat got your tongue?" I hit his shoulder making him laugh. "Awhhh your so cute. You hitting me is like a little kitten attacking a lion." I roll my eyes at him as a big smile breaks out on my face.

"Shut up." He looks over and smiles at me.

"Never in million years. I love bugging you. It gives me a better high than any drug or drink could ever." My smile fades as I realize he's being dead serious.

I clear my throat quickly. "So how about that music now." I hit the power button on the radio and hook my phone to it with bluetooth.

"This night is cold in the kingdom." I begin to quietly sing along to Let me down slowly by Alex Benjamin as I look out the window watching as the houses fly past.

"Don't cut me down throw me out put me in waste. Thought once was a man with dignity and grace-

"Ewww turn this off." Noah groans taking my phone from my hand. I roll my eyes at him as he scrolls through my songs. "Ahh here we go." He grins as the upbeat background music of Mixed personality's by YNW Melly begins playing.

"Say you want someone. Say you want someone-. He glances over at me as he begins singing. He gives me a big grin as he recites the beginning lyrics perfectly. His hand goes for the volume but I beat him to it. Turning the music up to 30 I begin to join him singing as the car shakes from the bass.

Soon enough we're screaming along to the music as we drive around town.

"I THINK I GOT MIXED PERSONALITY'S!" We scream together as I dance in my seat. "ONE DAY SHES HAPPY THEN SHES MAD AT ME!" He sings, I burst out laughing as I realize how stupid we look. He turns down the volume as he begins to join me as we die in laughter.

Sweet long over due, laugther.

His sweet laugh that I didn't know I missed this much....until now.

Old Best FriendsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz