Chapter 33: Practice

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No One's POV

After Namjoon explained to Taehyung how the lady learnt to control her powers, Taehyung started to practice. He practiced and practiced in his room, taking care not to accidentally overuse his abilities and reduce his life span further.

Seokjin's POV

Hmmm... It's a silent day today... Why isn't Taehyung making any noise today? "Ya, Yoongi, did you see Taehyung? Call him down for breakfast." Yoongi ran upstairs to get Taehyung but all that met my ears was a scream.

"HYUUUNNNGGGG, GUYSSSS! TAE IS....." I heard Yoongi scream. Not knowing what else to do, I ran upstairs.

Yoongi's POV

I knocked on Taehyung's door, only to h met with silence. "Tae, come down for breakfast. You've been in there for 3 days. Come down." I waited for him to open the door but there was no answer. "I'm coming in, ok?"

With that I entered the room. What I saw made my blood curdle. There lying on the floor was Taehyung, his body covered in sweat and blood coming out of his mouth.

"Tae!! Tae, what happened? Oh my god?! HYUUNGGG GUYSSSS!!!!" The rest of the members cane rushing to where I was. With Namjoon's help, we lifted Taehyung and kept him on the bed. "Hoseok, call the doctor. Now!"

"Namjoon hyung, is this normal? For Tae hyungie to faint like this?" Jungkook asked. Namjoon shook his head. "I read about this. I'm guessing he practiced too hard and is now exhausted. But it's better to get him checked up. I hope he didn't use his powers."

Jungkook's POV

Urgh... Taehyung hyung is such an Angel. But why should he face all of these problems? If only I could share his pain.

My eyes were starting to tear up looking at Taehyung hyung lying unconscious. "Hyungs? He will get better right? He will be with us right? For a long time?" I couldn't help but cry.

"Don't cry, Jungkook-ah"

I gasped, as I recognized the voice. Taehyung hyung.
A/n: Guys I'm so sorry for the slow updates. I wanna finish this story soon coz it's dragging for too long. Comment down below if you have any particular idea for an ending and maybe I'll consider it. 😉

Have fun reading peanuts ❤️❤️

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