His Everything

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Prompt: AU where Clara meets "John Smith" in highschool and all of the comanions from before are there (Martha, Rose, Donna, etc.) John Smith falls head over heels Clara and Rose gets a little jealous. The TARDIS is a tree house. Sent in by sherlockianxwhovian. Enjoy :) I know these have been done before, so I'll try my best to make it orginal.


Clara got ready that morning, not knowing that the person who would change her life forever was going to stumble into her life. She didn't know that they were going to fall in love, or that she was going to meet her best friends through him. All she knew was that today, just like any other, was a school day.

She spent absolutely no time getting ready. She didn't even wear makeup. All she did was throw on a t-shirt, some jeans, and straightened her hair a little bit. She grabbed her bookbag and walked out the door, walking down to her bus stop. The bus came and picked her up, and all Clara did was stare out of the window, listening to music. She didn't notice when she got to school that the man who would chang her life around was filing into the school directy behind her.


John walked over to where he and his friends normally met in the mornings; right by the band room. He saw Amy, Rory, Rose, and Martha. Donna wasn't there yet.

"Hey guys," he said when he walked over. He dropped his backpack on the ground and sat down next to it, just like the rest of the group. They chatted for a bit, and then he headed off to English class. He slid into his seat just as the bell rang and the teacher walked in.

He had stopped paying attention somewhere about halfway through the period. He was startled to hear his name, and when he did, there was a short brunnete girl standing right next to his desk.

"John? John Smith?" she asked him.

"Um...yeah. Why?"

"We just got paired up to be partners on the semester project. No one wanted to be my partner, and you were the last one without a partner, so. Here I am. By default," she said, smiling a little bit.

"Why didn't anyone want to be your partner?" he asked her.

"I don't know. I only have like, two friends, both of which have decided to start dating and snog the faces off of each other. Neither of them are in this class, so.."

He nodded and sat up, then stood up, reaching out his hand to shake hers. She took it. "Well maybe that's a good thing. Not every day I get to meet pretty girls named..." he said, prompting her for her name.

"Clara Oswald."

"Ah. Lovely name."

The conversation burned out quickly, so John started talking about what books they would read and analyze, and then do a seperate project on, for each book. They were both a little bit excited for the project.

"Can I have your number?" he asked her at the end of the period.

"Down boy," she giggled.

"No..I mean...like so I can call you or text you when I have a question about the project."

She wrote it down for him and briskly walked from the room. If John was being honest, he couldn't say he didn't watch her leave with a little disappointment.


It was three weeks later, and John had asked Clara to a couple of dates now. Today was supposed to be their third date, and John was a little bit more than excited.

"I want you to meet all of my friends," he said to her earlier that day. She had met all of them, and was greeted with happiness from everyone. Well, everyone but Rose.

"Why does she not like me?" Clara asked when they walked away.

"Maybe...maybe it's because we dated for like a month a year ago? That's all I could think of and that just seems petty," he had said.


"Hey," he said when he reached her front door. "Ready?"

"Yeah. Bye mum!" she shouted into the house, closing the door behind her. "Where to?"

"Thought maybe we could just go out for chips or something. Maybe coffee?"

"Sounds great."


They were halfway throught their second cups of coffee when Rose walked into the shop. She didn't see them at first as she walked up and ordered her tea, and then saw them sitting in the corner holding hands and chatting.

"Hey!" she said as she walked over, but she only looked at John as she said it.

"Oh, hey Rose. You remember Clara?" he said, pointing over to the smiling girl beside him.

"Yeah, I remember Clara," she said in a tone that was not unfriendly, but not pleasent either.

"Is something wrong?"

"Um, no. Not at all," she said, looking at Clara. Then she left. Clara rolled her eyes and tried not to let Rose get to her. Rose had a boyfriend, right? Wasn't his name Jack? So why was she jealous?

"She can't have everybody," she mumbled to herself when she got home. She didn't know why it got to her so much. Clara had John, and John was the best thing that had ever happened to her. John was perfect for her: boisterous, funny, joking, sweet, and a tad bit mad. He had a little bit of a dark side, but so did everybody. She had only known him for three weeks and she swore she could marry that boy right now if he asked.


John had asked Clara out six months ago. He had their whole anniversary planned out and everything. He knew in his heart that he didn't deserve Clara. She was too good for him, but she loved him, and he loved her. Both of their parent's had told them that they're relationship would end right after highschool, but John was willing to do anything for Clara. They only had two more weeks until the end of the school year, and John was going to the same college as Clara (happy accident). He'd become homeless if it meant staying with her. She was his world, his everything. And nothing would change that.


So...that's it. I am so sorry for the level of cheese in this; good golly there's a lot. You guys know the drill, and please send in those prompts! Love you guys!

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