forty-four: what you've all been waiting for...

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IMPORTANT: please read author's Note at the end of the chapter! (once finished)

"How can we possibly track down who shot me with a tranquilizer? Beats me. I mean, we don't even..." As the boy goes on and on, pacing back and forth in his red and blue suit across the rooftop, all I can see and hear is Peter. Because it is Peter. His words enter one ear and out the other, and the fade into the back of my mind because all I can think about is Peter.

"You know, maybe it isn't such a big deal."

Until he said that.

"What?! What are you talking about, of course it's a big deal!" I exclaim.

"Okay. Yeah. It's a big deal."

"You could've died, you know." I remind him, making my way to the edge of the building and staring down into the street below us.

"Wouldn't be the first time." He mutters.

"I know what you're trying to get across. We're stuck at a dead end, and there's nothing we can really do. And there wasn't anything I could've done, either. You were falling to what could've been your death, there was nothing else I could've done but save you and run away." I murmur, suddenly deep in thought.

"Exactly." He sighs, stepping up beside me.

"Alright. What to do tonight?" I announce, stepping off of the building with one swift motion. I glance up and he's leaping after me, aiming and releasing a web before swinging down far below me.

"The city awaits!" Peter calls, and I stop myself when I begin to laugh. Wow, he really is Peter.

"Ya know, you really - " I cut myself off once I hear the skidding of tires and police sirens blaring almost directly below us. The two of us gaze down, spotting two silver sedans speeding down quite a large alleyway, followed by three police cars. Shortly after, two heads pop out from the back windows of each sedan, shooting at the police behind them.

"This'll be fun." I mutter to Peter before descending down, aiming directly for the sedan in the lead. I stumble for a moment and almost tumble off as the car weaves between the dumpsters in the right alleyway, and flinch as it rams right into a few trash cans before pulling onto a crowded road. My eyes widen as I hear shouting, and a familiar buzzing overcomes me and I turn around and duck right as a bullet whizzes over me. My heart pounds as I spot Spider-Man land on that same car, ripping the gun out of the man's hand.

I whizz back around and plant my toes onto the edge of the roof, leaning down and shooting webs all over the place. I aim for the guns first, managing to rip one of them out of the car and throwing it to the side. With a grunt I throw the car door open just as the driver takes a sharp left turn, sending me flying to the side. Just as I fly off, both of my wrists fly out to the opposite end of the car, releasing two webs and yanking myself through the small car, feet first. I manage to kick the man with the gun right in the face, sending him slamming into the other man.

I swing out and around the front of the car, landing on the hood and reaching up. The driver's eyes widen and he begins to swerve in the road, trying to throw me off. He's gonna kill someone.

"I stick to things, dumbass!" I shout before bashing my fists into the windshield, managing to crack it almost to the point where it would shatter. I repeat the same thing, tearing one of my gloves as I do so before shooting a web at the man's forehead and bashing his head down onto the steering wheel.

Behind me, I see Peter throw the driver out of the car, managing to stick him to a passing building with a web. Returning my focus to the car in front of me, I swing down with my hands sticking to the car, planting my feet firmly on the concrete below me. The car quickly comes to a stop, yet the driver picks his bloodied head up and slams his foot down on the gas. I let out a shout before lifting the car up just barely, grunting as I do so. Stupid move, Mads!

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