You'll See

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~Continued Flashback~

November 27, Saturday

Hermione talked to Myrtle for a little while longer to calm her nerves more. After a while, Hermione said goodbye and thank you to Myrtle and left. Hermione walked down the halls, happy that she had gotten to talk with Myrtle. Hermione wanted to get Ron and herself help just like Myrtle had suggested, but she was too afraid to tell anyone. Afraid she would be called a slut, afraid her friends would turn on her, afraid no one would believe her, afraid of Ron... She couldn't do it. Hermione walked down towards the dining hall. She hoped Ron and Harry had finished by now, and that she could meet Pansy down there. When Hermione arrived, she hesitantly entered the room. She was pleased to see only Pansy, Zacharias, and the rest of the girls sitting at the Eighth year table. She smiled and walked towards them. 

Hermione plopped down next to Pansy, trying to seem as if nothing weird had happened this morning. The panic attack had shaken her up, but she was determined not to let it ruin her life any more. 

"Hermione? Where did you run off to this morning?" Pansy asked. Hermione smiled and shrugged.

"Just went on a quick walk to clear my mind, I guess." It was true. She had gone on a walk to clear her mind. Well, it was more of a quick run to a certain bathroom to get over a panic attack. Same difference. Pansy nodded as if this were completely normal. 

"Oh! And did you hear?' Pansy suddenly exclaimed. Hermione jumped. 

"Hear what?" she asked, raising an eyebrow. "What? Are you and Zacharias a thing?" Hermione joked. Pansy seemed taken aback by Hermione's comment. Hermione saw Zacharias blush, and she laughed. 

"Kidding. I'm kidding. So what were you saying?" Hermione gestured for her to continue. Pansy glared at her but started talking again. 

"Headmistress Mcgonagall announced that to celebrate the fall of Voldemort, we're having classes get out earlier, and we're having a Winter Ball! Isn't that exciting?" Hermione laughed at Pansy's enthusiasm. She would have never taken Pansy for someone who liked dances like these. 

"Really? That's great!" Hermione responded happily. But then it hit her that she would have to go to the Ball with Ron. She shivered at the thought. Maybe she would 'fall sick' that day. 

"Are you going to eat anything?" Pansy asked as she finished her own food. Hermione shrugged.

"I don't think so. I don't really feel like eating," Hermione explained. Pansy raised a worried eyebrow. 

"Why not? You usually love the food here." Hermione shrugged again. 

"I'm just not really hungry, is all. I'll probably eat later." Pansy stared at her for a few moments before shrugging it off. 

"Alright, I guess." Pansy and Hermione continued talking about the lengthened break and things they would do for the ball. Hermione jumped when someone behind her touched her shoulder. Hermione whipped around, scared it would be Ron or Draco. She didn't want to deal with either of them right now. 

"Hi, Hermione!" Hermione smiled widely when she saw Harry behind her. She didn't talk to Harry much anymore because she avoided Ron as much as possible and they were always together. 

"Harry! Hi!" Hermione was glad that she could let her guard down with Harry. She didn't have to pretend to like him like she did with Ron. And she didn't have to pretend to hate him like she did with Draco. "Where's Ron?" she asked, scared he would come in after Harry. 

"Out on the quidditch field.  He and I are just playing around a bit this morning," Harry explained. Hermione tilted her head questioningly. 

"Then why are you here?" Hermione asked. Harry sighed.

"Well, Mrs. Weasley found out that we're getting out super early for winter break. She has invited Ron and me to the Burrow for break. She said you could come too, but she thinks you might want to go home." Hermione nodded. She didn't want to spend break with Ron. "I don't know why, but Ron didn't want to tell you we were going to be gone. We're leaving on December 11. I think he doesn't want to disappoint you since he and I won't be at the Winter Ball." Hermione nodded understandingly. 

"Yes, well, I don't think I'll go to the Burrow. Thank her if you can though. And tell Ron it's fine, and I'll just probably go with some girl friends." Hermione stressed the word girl. She didn't want Ron to think she was going to run off with another boy. Even if she did, she wouldn't want Ron to have any idea. Harry smiled and nodded. 

"Great." Harry patted Hermione's back and left. Hermione watched Harry leave and turned back to the table. 

"I'm sorry, Hermione. I'm sure you were looking forward to it," Pansy commented. Hermione shook her head. 

"No. I think I can manage." Hermione looked longingly at the food. She knew how good it would taste, but she thought she would throw up if she tried to eat right now. Pansy smiled warmly and stood up. 

"Well, it's a Saturday. We should go out and have some fun!" Pansy exclaimed. Hermione raised her brow.

"How do you plan on doing that?" Hermione asked. Pansy smirked. 

"There's lots of ways. We could go swimming in the lake." Hermione shook her head. "We could visit Hogsmeade." Hermione shook her head again. " Well then what do you want to do?" Pansy asked. Hermione stood up. 

"Not sure. I can't really think of anything fun." Pansy sighed dramatically. 

"Well, then, since you're so picky, let's just see where the day takes us," Pansy offered. Hermione began to ask what that was supposed to mean, but Pansy grabbed her arm and jerked her out of the hall. 

"Where are we going?" Hermione asked as Pansy walked briskly out of the room. Pansy shrugged and turned to look back at her. 

Pansy smirked. "You'll see." 

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