Blushing 50 shades of RED

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"Well Miss Black continue"

Oh no your kidding me right, I CANT READ THIS OUT LOUD. Ugh!!!!!!!!

"Miss black?

"UMM... Sir it says". I say, "How are you"?

The Jace and his stupid self spokes up. 

"I am pretty sure it says, I wish I was a scale, cause I want you on under me".

I blushed fifty shades of red, while the rest of the class bust out laughing. And some glared at me. Why? Beats me.

"And Mr Martins, how do you know what it says without reading the note". Mr Marshall asked.

"Cause I wrote it" he replied nonchalantly.

Then more laughs and whispers

"Well Mr Martins I am going to have to ask you and Miss Black to exit my class and head to the front office".

"What, but It's not fair, I didn't do anything wrong", I whined.

"You are my best student in the whole school. I don't know how you got yourself into this but it would be unfair and favoritism if I let you of the hook. Though everyone already knows you my favorite."

Some one called out "nerd", I winced at the sound of that, hoping Jace or Luz didn't hear that.

I packed my stuff and headed to the office, only to be pulled into what feels like a carved wall. I finally look up and notice the piercing eyes trained on me.

"What do you want"? I say with a cold tone.

"Well Miss popularity, what I want I doubt you will give me. I think we got off on the wrong foot, so lets start over. Or are you too cool to give me a chance".

Is this guy high

"Leave me alone"

"Aww you don't seem happy. Well lets talk about something else, like how you not so Miss popular". My jaw drops.

Play this cool Charma

"I never said I was popular".

"Well you sure as hell acted like one, but all you are is a nerd!". He said looking irritated

"And all you are is an ass, you know nothing about me so you have no right to talk about me!!.

"You look hot when you mad". Then my face picked that moment to imitate a tomato.

What the hell, is this guy bipolar. One second , he is angry the next he is flirting. *cough* bipolar *cough*.

"Well Miss nerd, I have a question why did you act like you were so cool while your the "nerd", " he said with air qoutes.

"Its none of your business, leave me alone" I said "why do you care so much"

"Cause... I dont, whatever. I have a girl waiting on me in the janitor s closet". He winked

Out of disgust I retorted, "Does that girl happen to be Janine Casanova".

"And if it is why do you care" he said in a mocking.

"I dont, but I think I should tell you your about to bang a bag of STD".

I just stood there as a wave of shock hit him from what I said. Then it passed and his smirk was back.

"Well what would I get from you?"My jaw dropped for what seemed to be the millionth time this week.

Trying to seem calm I said, "you will never find out". With that I strutted away feeling good about my comeback.

"I plan on finding out" with that I froze. Then he laughed at my expression, and walked away.

"Douchebag!" I yelled, causing some teachers to turn around.

This day cant get any worse.

Oh dear Charma if only you knew what was ahead...


Dear lovely reader, I am so sorry for not posting yesterday, dont start a riot.

I had a huge writers block, so this chapter might have sucked... so forgive me.

Yes I know there are lots of suspense in this book, but I love suspense.

Song- settle for less by Before you exit.



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