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clinging helplessly,
creeping obsessively,
saying one thing and meaning the other,
fucking two faced liar,
adding more layers,
one after another.

hoping to maybe make a sound,
or maybe resound
in a community tight knit,
a supply kit,
of nothing but endless jealousy.

calling you a best friend,
saying that I loved you,
only to get backstabbed,
screaming about everything you lacked at.

everything in progression,
adding up and breaking down,
watching and making those around crumble with you.

Hoping you'd understand,
the pain of a fellow victim to something fucked up,
literally and metaphorically,
watching that trust fall and break,
committing to the actions you said traumatized you,
inflicting it on someone actually hurt.

You don't get it,
maybe you never will,
thinking that just because your 'rich' you can get away with it,
all these lies,
throwing them like pies,
hoping none of us are smart enough to put two and two together.

together like you hoped to be with him.
only to be forgotten on a whim,
all by the same him who wants nothing to do with you,
I hope you get what you have done I hope you have 'fun'.
Because I'm just fucking done.

(I'm giving them a second chance, but I know the others wont. Maybe its a second chance to many.)

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