Chapter 3

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We finally arrived home, and I seen Amber's car out there.

Maybe she'll know something, they were best friends since high school, so..

I get out of the car and start heading inside, Emi and mom following behind.

"Nats!" I saw Amber, and she immediately ran up to me and grabbed me and hugged me.

"Hey, Amber... that's a little-" I groaned. "Tight."

She let go and then looked behind me. "Hey Kami!"

"Hey Amber," Mom turned to me and Emi. "Could you two go to Nats' room for awhile? I have to talk to Amber about something."

Emi nodded and began pulling me. "Let's go! Show me the way."

I laughed. Emi was so eager. It's like she's never been to a friends house before... or maybe she just likes exploring new evironments?

I showed her the way, and we set our stuff down on the floor near my closet and sat on my bed.

"So what do you want to do?"

"Well, I usually turn on ViewTube and watch my favorite ViewTuber."

"Oh! I love watching ViewTubers!"

"Yeah, my mom got me into watching Markiplier." I laughed. "He and his friends are hilarious."

"I wanna watch now!"

"Okay, let's see..." I pull up ViewTube on my tv and scrolled through videos. "Ah, this one!"

I click on the video titled 7 Second Challange: LAUGHING WAY TOO HARD.

We began watching when I sudden began to hear my mom talking somehow.

This again? Let's see what's she's talking about then..

"Amber, listen, I think her passive is becoming stronger!"

"Kami, you've managed to hide it this long, don't you think it's time to tell her?"

"The moment will arise when she has to know, but for now it will have to be kept secret."

"How do you know she can't hear us now since her passive is getting stronger?"

Shit, what the hell are they talking about??

I went back and focused on the video Emi and I were watching.

"Name three things you would happily blow up with dynamite." Mark, in the video, has told Ethan.

"A... house, a car, and.. a building."

"House and a building are the same thing."

"Oh uh fuck a dog-!" Ethan paused and realized what he said. "What?! No, I wouldn't happily do that! It's the first thing that came to my mind."

"That's bad," Mark commented. "Also, a house and a car? Why?" He paused only to interrupt Tyler. "Are there dogs inside these houses and cars?"

"I think he failed because he wouldn't happily do it."

They then got up and switched places.

"They're hilarious." Emi turned towards me.

"Yeah.." I couldn't shake the feeling after hearing my mom and Amber talk about whatever it was. "I going to go get a drink, be right back."

I got up and walked out of my room and towards the kitchen, and I could somehow feel my mom's gaze on me.

I reached in the fridge and grabbed a bottle of water and turned around.

I seen them looking at me. "What?"

"Oh, nothing.." my mom threw it off like nothing.

"Okay then.." I walked away, when my mom grabbed my arm.

"Hold on, Nats.." she paused. "I have a question."


"Do you believe super powers are real?"

"I'll believe it when I see it, but I am sure it's possible.. why?"

"No reason, just curious."


"Kami!" I seen Amber nudge her, and mom just gave a quick glare at her.

"You can go now sweetie."

"Uh, thanks? Oh, when will dad be home?"

"In a couple hours."

"Okay." I just walked away and headed back to my room, only to hear Mark meowing like a screamo cat, and seeing Emi die of laughter.

I walked in and sat back down next to Emi and just zoned out.

My mom has been acting very suspicious lately. She is definitely not telling me something. Her and Amber were talking about my passive? What does that mean..?

"Nats!" I heard my mom calling, and Emi had already paused the video, looking at me.


"We're ready to go, make sure you have everything and bring Emi outside."

"Okay, be out soon!" I called back.

I got up and grabbed my phone and turned my tv off.

"You ready?"

"Yep." Emi bounced off my bead and headed towards the door.

I headed out and seen my mom and dad standing there, and Amber was already in her car.

"Amber is coming with us, she's going to meet us there, go ahead and get in the car, I got to talk to your father real quick."

I nodded and Emi and I got in the back of my mom's car. I could hear them, they weren't that quiet.

I turned and looked at my father. His blonde hair shined in the sunlight and his amber-colored eyes are shining with hunger.

"Rai, look, I think it's getting more powerful, because it's occurring without her even doing anything."

"Yeah, but didn't that happen to you?"

"At first, but I learned how to control it. The problem is, she doesn't know... she can't know. I can't have her going through what I went through."

"Kami, I understand that, that's why we moved here away from it all to protect her."

"But what if something somehow happens here? She won't know how to control any of it. Or worse, end up having the mindset I had in middle school!"

"Kami," he put his hands on her shoulders. "Nats will be fine, I promise. She's already in high school and nothing has happened yet."

"I knew I would eventually have to tell her, but I just don't want her to know yet. I was going to wait till she turned 16, but her 15th birthday is coming up soon and what if something happens before then?"

"Then you will have to inform her sooner than later. Kami, she has to know eventually, or somehow she could find out on her own. Would you rather that?"

Mom sighed.

"You're right..." I seen her turn towards us. I quickly turned my head. "We shouldn't keep the kids waiting, let's go. Amber already left."

They then got in the car, and I turned towards Emi, who apparently hadn't heard any of that.

"Nats? Where would-?"

I jerked my head up quickly.

"You okay?"

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