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The ride home was slightly awkward. Tom was half-awake since Tord carried him. In the process, Tom was slightly woken up. He had his head on the window. Matt was next to him, silently glancing at him from time to time. Edd, and Tord were in the front seats, Edd driving. The car was silent. Tom most likely fell asleep at this point, most likely being on many medications. 

Nobody mentioned the fact that Tom had attempted committing suicide just a few hours earlier. 

The car ride was quickly over, as they pulled into their driveway. Matt un-did Tom's seat-belt, and was about to wake him up. 

"Matt, I'll get him. He probably needs to sleep more anyways." Tord said. Matt nodded, and walked into the house, following Edd. Tord gently picked Tom up, and started walking toward the house. He couldn't help but notice a large red mark around his neck. It's almost devastating to know Tom could have died if it weren't for Matt.

Tord opened Tom's door, and set him gently on the bed. Tom's hand stayed on Tord's hoodie, clutched tightly. Tord smiled, but gently un-hooked his fingers, leaving Tom to rest. Tord hoped Tom would get better quickly. Tord walked out of Tom's room, and quietly closed the door. He felt slightly happier around Tom. Just the little things that he does. Even though they never really see Tom anymore, because he's always in his room. That'd have to change. 

Tord looked at the time on his phone. It read 'Nine forty-eight PM' Tord sighed, and walked to his room. The car drive took almost all day. Tord closed the door behind him, and changed into pajamas. He got into bed, and turned off the light. He laid in bed, just thinking for a while, until he eventually drifted off to sleep. 

Tord awoke a few hours earlier, to a quiet scream. Tord sat up, and looked at the time. His phone hurt his eyes, but he got the time nonetheless. 'Three twenty-two AM'. Tord rubbed his eyes, and put down his phone. He listened intently. There was muffled crying. Almost as if the one crying didn't want anyone to hear, which made sense. Tord got out of bed, and opened his door. The crying was obviously coming from Tom's room. Tord walked over, and quietly knocked on the door.

"Tom? Are you okay?" Tord asked quietly. Tord heard nothing from beyond the door.

"Okay, I'm coming in." Tord opened the door quietly, to see Tom, sitting up, tears going down his face. He was looking at the Tord with fear, and sadness. Tord shut the door, and walked over to Tom, sitting on his bed.

"Are you alright?" Tom shook his head. He rubbed his eyes, black getting on his hoodie. Tord opened his arms, and Tom accepted his hug. Tom still had tears streaming down his face, but he didn't make a sound. Tord rubbed his back comfortingly. They stayed like that for a moment, before Tord pulled back slightly to look at Tom.

"Did you have a nightmare?" Tord asked in a whisper. Tom nodded, still hugging Tord. Tord smiled, despite the situation. Tom seemed so vulnerable right now, but it just made Tord smile at how he was acting. 

"It's okay." Tord whispered. Tom's grip on Tord tightened slightly. Tord let go of Tom, and Tom pulled back. Tom looked terrible. Although he no longer had tears in his eyes or on his face, you could now notice the eye bags. Tom looked tired. Tord stood up, and walked to the door.

"I'm here if you need to talk." Tord offered. Tom nodded, as Tord opened the door, and walked out, closing it quietly behind him. Tom whined quietly. He wanted Tord to stay. Tom laid back on his bed, pulling the covers around himself tightly. Maybe if he could just fall asleep, it'd be better tomorrow.

Maybe it'll be better tomorrow.

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