Chapter 12- 5:32 pm

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Shinsou's POV

Everything's all white. Like freshly cleaned bones or a glass of milk. But... it wasn't a peaceful, calming or pure white. It only had a sense of danger... as if the freshly cleaned bones were harvested from your family pet you've had for years or your significant other, the shine of the bone reflecting off of the staineless cleaver the cannibalistic butcher wielded, and the milk had come from the cow after it had already passed, and the only way the milk was obtained was slowly slicing through the tissue of the udder and watching it flow out slowly like the cow's blood.. by the same exact butcher, only this time, he did it for fun. Everything was bright and terrifying, the butcher was pouring the milk directly into my lungs after cutting open my chest and the bones were turned into pikes and steaks that stabbed into me and pinned me against the raw and rimy wall of the butcher's freezer that was so gelid it was boiling hot...he was dying to cut me open and slurp down my intestines like a-


I wake up in complete shock and almost completely sit up before a pain all across my upper body, fingers arms and some of my lower body pierce into me like the butcher's cleaver from before, only separated into minuscule shards that completely dig under the skin and poison me.

"Fuck fuck fuck..." I pant at a quick pace while trying my damndest to just sit up, but I'm being pushed down by something...something blurry, unknown, dangerous.

I almost immediately clamp my hand on top of theirs and dig my short but jagged nails into the vein on their hand, it hurts me way more than it must hurt them, and as my vision finally focuses from the blurry vision of the butcher's freezer to the light blue and soft, pillowy white of the hospital room, I see why.

My hand is almost completely charred and melting.

Some of my natural coloration was kept, but it was mostly replaced by the bright reds and pinks swelling and enveloping my antire hand-and as I look down even further- and arm. Some hues of disgusting purples and nauseating greens present. I drag my finger tips of my opposite hand over the scars (my hand and arm on the other arm weren't nearly as bad but still... appalling) that lead all the way from my fingers to shoulder, neck, some of the side of my head and underneath my hospital gown. The IVs and needles shift around under my skin and poke the inside of my veins, it itches, it burns, it aches and I want to tear off my skin to be rid of this awful feeling...

Without knowing it, my breath was fast and heavy, eyes bulging out of my head and the grip of my hand on the other person's was only tightening.

"Shinsou! Shinsou! It's me! Youno!" I snap my head to look up my classmate. ...classmate...class... 1-A...pARTY...OJIROU!!!

In the blink of an eye I'm clutching my classmate's hand and wrist so hard I feel my finger bones splintering and the burned skin start to peel.

"WHERE IS HE??? IS HE OK??? WILL BE ALIVE HE???? OJIROU????" I yank her down painfully and see her face visibly twist in discomfort.

"I see the drugs haven't worn off... and I know nothing about Ojirou..."

"NOTHING???" I screech (good thing this was a private room) and began to jerk and pluck the needles and tubes out of my arms, only making me scream louder in pain and making salty tears run down my face at a fast pace.

"HEYHEYHEY STOP IT! HITOSHI!!!" Youno tries to pull me down but, since I was twice her height, I quickly shove her to the side and stand on the cold ground with feeble legs, after my third step of running, my legs collapse and I fall face first onto the floor.

While You Were Busy Being Heterosexual, We Studied The Blade. (BNHA Chatfic)Where stories live. Discover now