The Fallen Angel - Part One

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"The existence of other Sunshine users. Although I don't recall ever meeting anyone else, there is a possibility that Sunshine prospered discreetly in the custody of those unable to awaken its true potential."

'I thought you'd have more information than that...after everything that's happened, I could really use some closure.'

"Your mind is clouded. It seems a young maiden has your interest lately?"

'I don't know why I can't take my mind off it. It's been like this since last night when we...'

"I'm aware of what happened so there's no need to recount. However, I must say this fondness you have for her is quite odd."


"This sentiment towards her feels forced. Usually, when you feel attracted to someone there's a certain warmth that comes naturally while your interest in her seems almost artificial, like an enchantment or some kind of spell."

'So you're assuming she's a...witch? I know Mira can be strange at times but I doubt she's dabbled in the supernatural. I would've noticed if she did...I think.'

"I would have said otherwise if not for being somnolent for some time which clouds my judgment. The only advice I can offer is to be cautious around her, there's more to her than we know."

'...I'll keep that in mind.'


The next day was less eventful than its predecessor, a factor that may be related to Mira's absence at the academy. Issei, Saji and Koneko were nowhere to be seen either, prompting Y/N to assume the three were probably out resolving a matter concerning Kiba.

Regardless, the solitary breaks in-between classes provided Y/N with the peace to reflect on Escanor's words and what his plans were in the unforeseeable future. The mystery shrouding past figures influenced by the Sun's blessing had already proven itself to be vexatious for the young human.

Fortunate for him, his mind quickly dabbled to last night's events. Replacing one issue with another.

"So much for a stable friendship..." The Lion soughed, biting into his sandwich as he sat by himself at a spot designated for two. His eyes lingered to the empty spot beside him, their jaded glow swiftly replaced with a dejected look.

A kiss that wondrously scrambled his mind wasn't something Y/N wanted to acknowledge because of their close relationship however he would be lying to himself if he said Mira was nothing but composed last night.

'We were together all the time...where did it all go wrong....?' He asked himself, closing his locker door before shuffling his bag in between his arms. Countless thoughts beat into him, an attempt towards solving Mira's troubles which was quickly thwarted by a mild headache.

It was a miracle how Y/N's managed with the stupendous amount of pressure the supernatural has been weighing down on him. However, the repercussion began to reveal itself, taking the form of black rings which hung underneath the Lion's eyes and the dizziness the latter would experience whenever his mind glossed over Mira's early life crisis.

"Think I'll call in sick for work today..."

What seemed like a lonely walk back home after a bleak day would quickly diverge when he heard Akeno call out to him, "We missed you at the club today. Don't tell me you've forgotten about us already."

A positive shift spurred in Y/N's demeanor, his expression softening when he felt Akeno's warmth cascade over his shoulder. Her jubilant smile paired with that exulting tone of voice, it was enough to pour a minute's worth of life into the human's withering body.

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