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you: I can't believe I invited you over

anon: I can't believe your parents like me

you: I can't believe my parents don't think we're in here having sex

anon: they might

you: ugh

you: let's just watch the stupid movie

anon: did you just insult my favourite movie

you: no, I insulted the fact that we are lying next to each other on a couch eating dominoes pizza and lava cake, while watching a movie and freaking texting each other

anon: your point is...

you: it's just not normal for two people to sit next to each other and text

you: it defeats the point of having a voice

anon: well, not texting each other defeats the purpose of having an iphone

you: I can't fault your logic

anon: stop texting me. your distracting me from watching the best movie of all time

you: whatevs


you: god I love the ending of that movie


sorry for the painfully short updates

updating twice a week cos i finished writing this book *yes* working on the epilogue now


dedicated to @wildrness cos her books are fab and she deserves it

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