Chapter 4

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"You okay?" Mom asked me.

"Yeah, why?"

"You seemed jittery, and you nervously jerked your head up."

"I'm fine mom."

Emi turned towards me and looked in confusion, I just shook my head.

Tell me.. What's so important that's worth hiding from me this whole time? This is even more nerve wracking... it's like I have to know, but now I'm scared to.. why? Why am I scared to find out?

After awhile of a car ride, we were at a restaurant. Emi and I quickly got out of the car, and my mom and dad proceeded to get out after us.

I started heading towards the door when my mom started running ahead.

"Race ya!" She started running ahead of me.

I started running and eventually caught up and went past her.

I stopped at the door and turned to see how much further she had, when we was already here.

"How'd you beat me? And you're not out of breath?!" She sounded genuinely confused.

I shrugged it off and went inside. Emi ran up behind me and tapped my shoulder. "Wow, how did you run that fast and not be out of breath?"

I shrugged. "Don't know."

"If I ran that fast, that would be a full blown sprint and I would have been weezing." She paused. "That's because I don't like running so I don't do it if I don't have to, or I just jog."

I sighed. "I don't know, mom just challenged me so I went with it and ran, and I probably could have ran faster. But with a short distance like that, I would have crashed into the doors."

Emi looked at me concerned.

"Forget it, anyway." I walked in and stood there, waiting for my mom to check us in so we could get a table.

After the host took us to our table, I sat next to Emi, with my mom on the other side of me.

I took my phone out and began playing games, and I happen to see my mom watching from the corner of my eye. "Yes?" I asked sarcastically.

"Nothing. Just watching."

Amber started laughing. "She really is your daughter, Kami."

"Yeah.." I looked up to see a small smile, but she was thinking of something else that caused that to fade quickly.

God, I'm tired of all these lies and her just keeping stuff from me.

I continue to play my game, and Emi eventually joined in. My mom asked, but I just ignored her for now.

We all finished dinner quietly and left. I quickly made my way to the car and stood there until mom unlocked it. I just want to go home and sulk with ViewTube.

My mom and dad, as well as Emi got in the car all after me. I put some headphones in and listened to music loudly, so I wouldn't hear them.

I skipped through so many songs that I eventually gave up. I stare at my phone, in hopes for an answer of what to do.

That is when a notification came up on my phone. It was a message from an unknown number.

-this is Kami's daughter, correct?-

Who the hell is this?

I ignored it and went on social media when they texted again.

-don't ignore this child, I know who you are and especially who your mother is-

Okay... that's kind of creepy.

I texted back.

-who is this?-

I awaited a response, and none came.

Well what the hell was all that about?!

I sighed and sunk down into the seat. I turned to face the window and seen we were in my neighborhood.

I sat up and got ready to get out and go straight to my room. I seen Emi watching me, and seemed confused.

Mom parked the car in the driveway then I got out and went straight inside. Emi was behind me, as seeing she wasn't here for any other reason but to hang out with me... even though mom invited her.

I headed to my room and just literally threw myself onto the bed.

"Nats?" I heard Emi come in.


"Are you okay?"

"Yeah why?" My face was still embedded into the bed as I spoke, so I'm sure what I was saying was muffled.

"Well, you clamed up as soon as your mom said something to you as you went inside the restaurant.."

"Emi I'm fine." I finally sat up. "Don't mean for this to sound rude, but when do you plan to go home?"

She shrugged.

"I'd say you could stay the night, but you don't have anything with you besides your book bag."

"Yeah." She sounded disappointed.

I turned the ViewTube video back on my tv and we continued to binge watch Markiplier until my mom came inside.

"Emi, your mom is here to pick you up."

"Okay, thanks for having me over."

"Thanks for coming."

"Bye Emi," I waved. "See you in school tomorrow."

She left, and my mom stood there, at the doorway.

"What?" I remarked as I laid back in my bed.

"I understand you're upset with me, and I know why. Look, there's reasons I keep these secrets, and it's to protect you."

"From what mom?!" I growled. "And how the hell do you know?"

"I'm sorry." She put her head down. "I want to, but I can't tell you right now... there will come a time when it will be necessary knowledge, but for now," she sighed. "For now just forget about it." She then walked out of my room.

Forget about it? Forget about it!? How am I supposed to forget something that is so huge that she has to keep it from me!? I'm tired of these damn lies. I want to know the truth, and I want to know now!

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