Learning To Love Him 22

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"No! No! I won't. Are you crazy? Of course you are! Why do I even bother asking? It shouldn't even be surprising at this point." I rolled my eyes watching Jayden rapidly shake his head, "No, Corey. Hell no! No." He said.

Right, it shouldn't be surprising given my reckless personality. Did he expect us to go walking or something? There was not much to do in the town except hang out in the forest or at the mall. He was overreacting anyway. He said no alcohol or fake IDs, and this had no alcohol and required no fake IDs. It was also something he had never done before.

"Stop being a wimp." I frowned at him.

"Wimp? There's a large difference between being a wimp and being sensible, Corey and right now I think you could really use some sense..." I let the rest of his words drift off so I wasn't paying attention. Jayden could talk a lot when he was afraid, it was kind of annoying. Usually, he was quite quiet. "There is no way –" before he could finish, I shoved him.

I chuckled as he fell screaming his lungs out. "Hold onto the rope in case the knot unties around your waist! It's a pretty bad place to fall beneath you!" I shouted, it only freaked him out more.

See, I might have tied him to a rope, tied the other end around a tree and now shoved him off the side of a cliff. It's kind of like bungee jumping... except without the safety... Oh... Now I realise why he didn't want to do it.

My eyes widened as I watched him fall, everyone was going to murder me when they found out I did this! And to make matters worse, just as I looked at the tree, the rope slid loose.

I curse as I grabbed it quickly while feeling it tug as Jayden bounced. Even if he got hurt he would heal, right? I would still get a load of crap from everyone though...

"Corey! It's actually kind of fun!" I heard him shout. I smirked. Of course it was, that was the point. "It's awesome! Like a swing... Above a river!" He shouted. I chuckled as I stood on the edge of the cliff, the rope secured around my hand. I wouldn't let it go or let him fall becasue he very was light, but of course he didn't know that and he didn't trust me, so seeing the rope around my hand made him go completely ballistic.

"Oh my God! What did you do?! You're going to kill me! Pull me up! You're going to cause both our deaths!" He shouted in despair.

I scoffed at his worry. We were werewolves. The worst that could happen would be broken necks. But then again, we could smash our heads on rocks or fall right onto a sharp branch which could stab through our hearts, those of course would result in our deaths.

I looked down at Jayden as he struggled to climb up the side of the cliff and laughed deciding to put him out of his misery and pull him to the top.

As soon as he was safely on the surface of the cliff he tried to shove me, I didn't move. "I fucking hate you!" He shouted. I laughed grabbing his wrist to stop him from trying to shove me again because it obviously wasn't working the way he wanted it to. His cold skin sent weird sensations through my hands and once again I found myself wanting to do things I would normally hate myself for even thinking about, but at the moment I was having too much fun to think about what I would normally hate.

"Do you?" I smirked pulling him closer to me. "Do you hate me?" I teased. He glared at me not answering my question and I chuckled. "You had fun. You know that." I added.

"Whatever." He shoved me but broke a small smile. "Race you home." He said.

I snorted. "You can't be seri –" I stopped when he shifted and ran off. "Jayden!" I called. That idiot. I didn't think he was serious. I looked at the rope and frowned. Jayden must be one of those people that never cleans up after himself.

Learning To Love Him (boyxboy) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now