Chapter 36

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Chapter 36

Shannon's P.O.V:

"Shannon, there's a phone call for you." My mother's voice in the doorway woke me up. I lifted my head slightly and looked at her. "I'll be right down" I yawned.  

She nodded and disappeared out the door, shutting it behind her. I sat up and looked at Nick; he was curled up beside me and slowly began to wake up as I watched him. I grimaced slightly; my mother didn't mind Nick staying in my room but I'd prefer it if she didn't, you know, see it. I managed to get out of bed, throwing on a pair of slippers.  

"Where are you going?" Nick asked sleepily, sitting up.  

"Phone" I said simply. "You should go get breakfast; I'll meet you when I'm finished." He nodded groggily and I left the room.  

I jogged down to the kitchen. When I walked in, my mother glanced up, holding the phone to her ear. "She's just here, so I'll leave you two to talk. Come visit soon dear."  

She handed the phone to me and I headed through to the living room, sitting myself comfortably on the couch. I already knew who it was just from the way my mother had been talking. "Hey Conor" I said happily. 

"Hello stranger' his familiar deep voice, that used to cause tingles to break out along my spine, spoke down the phone to me, making me smile.  

The only other person, besides Conor, who my mother had taken to immediately, was...Nick. Thinking of him caused my smile to widen, and it was only Conor calling my name that brought my attention back to the phone pressed to my ear. Exhaling slightly, I pushed thoughts of Nick out of my mind as I settled in to have a long conversation with one of my favourite people.

An hour later, I returned to the kitchen with the phone in one hand. I felt lighter as if a weight had been lifted off my shoulders after catching up with Conor. The only downside was that he couldn't come up to visit.  

I glanced up to see my mother and Nick sitting at the kitchen table, chatting over a cup of tea. I stopped, momentarily surprised before making my way over to them, pausing only to drop the phone back in its holder on the counter by the door. Nick grinned as me, his hair flopping into his eyes and I smiled as I sat down between the two of them.  

"What did Conor want?" my mother asked.  

I shrugged, sitting back in the chair; "just wanted to talk. He can't come visit" I pouted.  

"Don't pout Shannon" she said absently without looking up as she reached for the teapot.  

My pout dropped and I rolled my eyes at Nick instead who was watching me intently. "But" I continued, "he promised to come and visit sometime in the New Year."  

She looked up; "you mean fly to London?"  

I nodded as I grabbed the spare cup on the table. She nodded and smiled at Nick, "you'll like Conor. He's my favourite out of all of Shannon's boyfriends." She glanced at me, smiling happily, "if it wasn't for the fact that she went abroad for college, I'm sure they'd still be together."  

Nick nodded while he stared at the table and I shifted uncomfortably in my seat. We were only friends but at the moment I wanted nothing more than for my mother to stop talking. I didn't want Nick to get the wrong impression about mine and Conor's relationship. I didn't want him to think that I was still in love with him. Conor had actually asked about Nick when we were talking - he knew how I felt about him. "So, do you need Nick and I to help at all today?" I asked, trying to change the subject.  

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