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This was finally the moment all three of the girls have been waiting for

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This was finally the moment all three of the girls have been waiting for. First we go to Courtney.
She was just doing her make up and she decides to give her good friend a call.
*Phone Call begins*
Rosalie~ "Hello?"
Courtney~ "Hey there girl, how is it going over there for you?"
Rosalie~ "Ok so far I guess. Only one guy had the hots for me the first night I went to the club"
Courtney~ "Your kidding right?"
Rosalie~"No not kidding at all"
Courtney~ "Well you know this dream job I was talking about to you before you left the UK?"
Rosalie~ "Yeah?"
Courtney~ "I got it!"
Rosalie~ "Shut up, oh my goodness well done, I'm so made up for you"
Courtney~"I'm glad that your really happy for me, anyway I hope things still work out for you"
Rosalie~ "I'm over the moon I'am, you did me proud, make sure your parents are wrong and we will win the daughter parent argument"
Courtney~ "I thought exactly the same thing"
Rosalie~ "Good luck and bye now"
Courtney~ "Thanks and I'll need it bye now"
*Phone Call Ends*
Then Noelle gets her stuff just like Courtney and Georgia do only they don't see one another just yet and off Noelle goes through the open door.
Noelle's Dad: "Good luck my baby girl"
Noelle: "Thanks Dad, I'm really gonna miss you"
Noelle's Dad: "You too Noelle, you too"
Georgia was walking up to the airport with her suit case and so were Courtney and Noelle, yet again they don't know one another yet and they are going to meet for the first time in the airport, it's like a dream for the 3 girls!
Noelle already knows her fate, she only has to wait for her roommates, Courtney, Noelle and Georgia are about to meet one another and they now have something in common, they didn't want to leave their families but believed that there was a world waiting for them, they never wanted fame, they just wanted to find love and find friends. What will happen at the airport with Georgia and Courtney while Noelle is still in America?....

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