Part 2

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Ethan's POV
I sent Nolan down to retrieve the person coming in for the interview. I wasn't that excited. Every time someone came in they weren't that attractive recently. Yeah I know douchey right? I've heard it enough from Nolan and Gray in good. The way we work around here is well. You'll see. But I was on my phone when I heard the elevator door ding and then open. I continued going through our schedule and setting up meetings with everyone and such. I finished so I looked up. " oh fu-" I started to say but started coughing to cover it up.

She was fucking gorgeous. Then I heard Gray say " so gorgeous, what's your name?" I rolled my eyes and looked back down, but keeping her in mind. She went and talked with gray. I was next. Gray asks the important questions, I tell her what to do and what happens here, and Nolan just tells her if she got the job or not. It's always been like that since we started. Y/n was sent over to me so I can tell her what we do here. Basically give her a tour and give her a packet for her to read and sign her signature in. "So y/n is it?" I asked she giggled and nodded yes. I walked her to our offices. I opened Grays. " this is Graysons office. Not much but everyone says it reminds them of him.

You'll say that too once you get to know him if you get the job" I chuckled and winked at her. I then walked her to Nolan's Office. " this is Nolan's office, nothing special." She walked over to a door and opened it and looked clueless. I walked over and laughed " we all keep rooms in our offices for late nights or early morning meetings with everyone. You would get one too once again if you get the job" she hummer and then asked " well I have a feeling I might get the job because this that's all you keep saying and then adding 'it you get the job'" she said the last part with a cocked eyebrow and air quotes.

I grabbed her hand and led her to my office. I unlocked it because I don't like our coworkers just going into there when I'm busy. My office was very how can I say this? Gloomy. Everything was close to a black or maroon. I looked over at y/n while she was walking around. She looked very curious to see my bedroom but I quickly ran over and slid right in front of the door. "That's for another time beautiful" I said and winked. Her face grew red and I led her towards my desk to sit down. I grabbed the packet for her to slip through and read and sign. "Before you read this, I need to tell you.

We normally use you and if we like you, you stay. That's basically what this says" she tilted her head and said what " like uh. Possibly bend you over this very desk at some point. Nolan would do whatever he wants. I do what I want. Gray does what he wants. That's just how we work around here. Let's just say, we're horny fucks. Haven't you noticed that everyone who works is a girl?" She looks up for a bit and then nods with the look of realization on her face.

She looks at me and then the packet. I hand it to her and she reads the first page. Then the next. And the next. At this point her face looks all red and flustered which was kinda hot. She's at the part on the rules of my kinks and punishments. She smirked and looked up at me. She read Nolan's cheesy bit and smiled big. She went to grab the pen to sign. I'm thankful she is though. But then I fell. Oh god I thought. She got up and bent over to pick it up. I was staring at her and I felt my jeans get tight. I look down at my dick and fuck I have a boner. It's fully sprung too. I cant get up without her noticing either. Do I ask her to relieve it for me or do I call someone in?

Fuck it she's already got the job might as well. " hey y/n come here." She looked up from signing and she said one second. She had one or two signatures left but I sternly said "now y/n" she smirked and walked over in the hottest way possible. I looked down then back at her. She was already looking at my hard on. "Did I do that? Oops" she giggled. "Can you. Y'know do something"
"Of course. Master" fuck she really knows what to do. Glad she read the packet.

Your POV
"Can you. Y'know do something?" Ethan said. I remembered what the pamphlet said so I proudly said "of course. Master" he looked at me and smiled.  I walked over to him and crouched down so I could be eye level with his chair. I looked up at him and palmed him in his suit. He through his head back and I smiled looking at this sight. I unblocked his gucci belt and pulled his pants down. Then I pulled his boxers down. I paused and he looked back at me. I looked at him and put my finger to my mouth to tell him to shh.

I took off my heels and strutted to the door and locked the door after peeking out. I ran back over and kneeled down onto both my knees and he scooted down. I wrapped my hand around his member and started stroking it lightly. He groaned and looked at me. I leaned down and licked off the pre-cum off the tip and licked all the way down to his balls. I messaged them and I went back up. His member was fucking huge so I had most of it in my mouth and used my left hand to massage the rest. I kept moving my hand around like clockwork while bobbing my head up and down. I looked up at him and he moaned. "Fuck don't stop. I'm gonna cum soon" I moved my hand faster while bobbing faster too. I felt him twitch in my mouth and he pulled onto my hair.

I moaned onto his member and that must've made him loose it. He shot his load into my mouth and I walked it all knowing my consequence if I didn't. I smiled at him and kissed him. He eagerly kissed me back and moaned. "You like the taste of yourself?" He nodded but added " more of you but sure" I pulled his boxers back up with his suit bottoms. I kissed it one more time though. I buckled his gucci belt with his suit pants. I kissed him and I sat on his lap.  He started grinding into me but I stopped kissing him. He looked at me confused. I grabbed my clutch off of the chair that I was previously sitting on and reapplied my mascara, lipstick, and blush. "We need to get me to Nolan don't you think?"

I said after pursing my lips and smacking them together after applying my lipstick. He looked at me and at the paper. Oh shoot I didn't finish signing it. I finished off my final signatures and put my heels back on. I walked over to the door with my clutch in hand. Once I made it there I looked back at Ethan smiling at walked over. I unlocked it and he led me to Nolan's office again. I looked at him and fixed his hair from him moving it around. I lightly kissed him and he whispered in my ear " I'm not done with you princess. I'll see you soon I promise. You'll get your treat." I blushed and shook his hand as a colleague walked by but I wanted to kiss him again. He nodded his head as a "smart" I knocked on Nolan's door and he said "come in" I opened it and waved. He smiled at me and looked down at the seat in front of him. He called Grays office and he nodded after waiting a few minutes for a response.

He then called Ethan and I could hear him scream 'yes' through the phone. Nolan looked flustered so I just looked at him and did the most charming smile I could to make him feel better. "Well uh y/n, beautiful name by the way, you got the job! You start as soon as you can. You can start moving your stuff in tomorrow. If you have any requests for your room you can just tell either one of us and we will have it happen! I'll see you tomorrow y/n, enjoy the rest of your evening!"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2019 ⏰

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