Chapter 36

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Saint Smith
I opened my apartment door with my keys and turned the knob. No light was in the room except for the moon light that shined through. Cassie stepped inside, then I went in after. I watched her as she kicked her shoes off and picked them up.

She waddled to the entrance of the hallway like a child. I couldn't help but smile. I walked close behind her, grabbing her bag and her shoes from her so she wouldn't have to carry them.

As soon as we reached my room, she took off her coat and the jeans she wore. The she ran over to my bed, jumping in and sprawling her entire body over it.

She curled up into a ball, closing her eyes. You could tell she was tired and so was I. I walked over to her.

"Cassie you got to get up mama. Get under the covers." I whined.

She didn't say anything. She was already asleep. I picked her up throwing her over my shoulder. She was awake now but didn't say a word.

I unmade my bed, putting her in first. Then taking my pants off, I reached down on the floor in a pile of clothes pulling out some old basketball shorts. I slid them on, taking my shirt off and hopping into bed next to Cass.

She felt me get in with her. She lifted herself up a little laying her head on my bare chest. I rested my hand on her head, stroking her hair until I fell asleep.

Friday, 9:30am
I woke up to the sound of Cassie gagging and throwing up in my master bathroom. I immediately hopped from my bed, walking into it. She bent over my toilet, struggling to hold her hair and the toilet lid at the same time.

Ignoring the smell, I walked over to her. I felt bad so I held her hair for her. I tilted my head, watching her finish.

As she continued to throw up she tried to apologize.

"Saint I'm- I'm so sorry." She managed to get out before letting more undigested food spew from her mouth again.

"Cassie don't apologize." I sighed.

She lifted her head up. Her face was red and her eyes were teary and red. I let go of her hair, grabbing the mini bathroom towel and wetting it with hot water.

I gave it her, watching her wipe her eyes and around her mouth. I took it upon myself to flush the toilet for her also. Thank God she didn't get it on the toilet seat or lid. I still sprayed it down with bleach, letting it soak while she rinsed and brushed her teeth.

"You think it was something you ate?" I asked, wiping the toilet seat and lid down.

"Must be." She managed to squeak out. Her voice was gone because of all the acid rushing out from her throat.

She grabbed her tooth brush that she kept over here for when she sleeps over and put toothpaste on it. She started brushing her teeth. I threw the rag I used to wipe my toilet down in the corner of my bathroom.

I walked down the hallway and into the kitchen. I turned on the sink, washing my hands with dish soap. When I turned back around, there Cassie was. She held her arms open for a hug.

She wrapped them around me, squeezing me tightly. She was such a baby. I wrapped my arms around her. I rocked us back and forth by balancing on my left foot then my right.

We did this for what seemed like forever until I picked her up and carried her in my arms like a little kid.

She leaned her head against my chest as I walked over to my living room. I laid her down on the couch then sat next to her.

She rested her head on my lap, facing towards the tv and making her self comfortable. I chuckled at her, reaching for the tv remote.

"Can I pick the show?" She squeaked, letting her voice crack.

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