Chapter 6

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(3rd Person)

Currently, (Y/N) was receiving a lecture from both Rias and Azazel, although the two had different ways of going about it.

Azazel: Geez kid, I know she looks like Asia, acts like Asia and even talks like her, but that's no reason to go and fight her, listen, it's not her fault she was born like that, just accept the fact that she looks like Asia. Please? Just try to get along, we don't need another war breaking out just because the False Devil decided to kill an angel from looking like his childhood friend.

Rias: I can't believe you! We were out of the woods with wars! What you're doing is the same thing as declaring war on the angels! I'm upset she's exactly like Asia as well but you don't see me attacking or chastising her for it! I swear, you're getting more and more out of control the longer we're in Heaven!

(Y/N): You're both idiots...

Rias + Azazel: Huh!?

The Evil Energy user stood, huffing while placing his hands in his pockets and walking past them, going straight to the door which exits his temporary bedroom... which is still in ruins apart from the wardrobe.

(Y/N): You really think I'm that petty? That the only reason I challenged her to a fight was because she resembles Asia? If you really think that, then you two are not as smart as I took you for, I'm not fighting her because she looks or talks like Asia.

Both devil and fallen angel hummed in confusion, turning to see (Y/N) with his back to them, his hand on the new door that was installed while he was away with Heather, not even a look of contempt, hostility, anything negative, instead all his face showed was determination and slightly anxious, so subtle that only the sharpest of guys could spot it on his face.

(Y/N): I'm challenging her for one reason, one simple reason that none of you seem to understand. Though, I can't exactly blame any of you... you've all been misinformed.

Azazel: Misinformed? Kid, the girl is Phillip Foster's only daughter! She's practically royalty here, if you don't have a good reason for fighting her, you're going to be an enemy for everyone in Heaven, whether you're a legendary figure to them or not you...

(Y/N): If you're really that scared, why don't you just watch the fight and figure out why this fight's happening, Old man Azazel.

Rias: Wait! Can't you at least tell me? I am your future fiancee after all, we shouldn't keep secrets...

(Y/N): Then, why don't you tell us your secret first?

Rias: W-what?

(Y/N): I'm not dumb Rias, I know you've still got a card to play in this battle yourself, a peerage consists of the pieces in chess, you're the king, Akeno took the queen, Xenovia took a rook along with Koneko, Kiba's a knight and Issei took all the pawns. Theoretically, you should have only one rook and bishop piece left... however, the last time we were in the ORC, I only spotted on rook piece left.

Azazel: Wait... that means...

(Y/N): Rias, you had another bishop before Asia came along, now... where was that bishop before in the fight against Riser? How about against the fallen angels? Be completely honest with me, where is your missing bishop?

However, Rias chose to remain silent, staring at the ground with an unreadable expression and basically refusing to answer. (Y/N) rolled his eyes with a sigh.

(Y/N): As usual, you keep me out of the loop. Rias, if you're going to act like you deserve an answer, just remember: you keep as many secrets from me as I do from you.

The boy opened the door, exiting the room with another sigh and placing his hands back in his pockets. As he looked down the stairs, he noticed Phillip, Michael and Gabriel all waiting for him.

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