Chapter five

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Y/n pov

I was relaxing with Sonic again when I heard Grandpa say," We sure fooled her." Chris laughed then said," Yeah!" There was more laughter Sonic must have heard it too because he said," Can't I nap in peace?" There was more talking but I ignored it and got comfortable again closing my eyes.


I heard someone come outside then Amy say," Sonic, Y/n have you heard the news?" Sonic responded," Huh?" Amy said," We're going to Silver Valley, come along and we might have a picnic there." I heard Tails say," But we're going there for the emerald?"

Sonic responded," Nah I've been there before with Y/n." She gasped she said," Huh! Without me!" After a tiny pause she said," Oh so you went there on one of your runs but brought Y/n with you huh?" Sonic responded," Yep, you guessed it."

Amy yelled," Fine Sonic, come on we'll have more fun without him anyhow!" Chris asked," But how can we get there without a car my grandpa's resting and I can't ask Mr. Tanaka to drive?" Tails said," If I drive I'm going to get spotted." Chris asked," What can we do?"

Tails said," Hey, I know how we can get there!" I heard for steps before I heard Tails call out," Y/n?" I open my eyes and turn around looking down at Tails," Yes?" Tails asked," Can you take us to Silver Valley?"

I look up at Sonic I see he had open an eye looking at me I thought about it before remembering something," Didn't you say you wanted to try a train ride?" Tails said," Yeah." I smile," Now's your chance, go on and do that if you don't want to I'll take you guy there."

Tails smiled he I guess looked at everyone before saying," We'll ride the train, be back soon guys!" I waved bye to Tails he waved back before running underneath with everyone. I got comfortable again before closing my eyes and nap with Sonic.


It was nice and peaceful until Bokun came with a message from Knuckles with a challenge after the message Eggman said a few words before it blew up on Sonic the Bokun had left laughing. Sonic glared he had said," Knuckles is going to regret that."

I sigh,' Something is wrong here. Maybe it's Eggman?' We stopped in front Knuckles back to back Sonic said," Hey there Knuckles." Knuckles got up from his stone seat he said," Your late slow poke and why is she here." Sonic responded," Yeah well we stopped to enjoy the scenery, this planet is pretty cool." I heard him sniff a flower he continued," It's nice here. Yeah you would like this world too if you weren't such a party pooper."

Knuckles responded angry," Enough talk, let's go." Sonic said," Relax will ya we have all afternoon to douk it out buddy boy." Knuckles responded angry," I'm not your buddy and don't forget it smart alica!" He yelled," Now put um up I didn't come here to sniff the flowers!"

I opened my eyes Knuckles looked very angry Sonic responded," That's your lose you don't know what your missing. But, if you would rather get clobbered by me-" Knuckles suddenly yelled," Shut up! Give me the emerald you stole, or else!"

He glared at us I looked at him confused,' What is he talking about?' Sonic said," Huh? Your brain's even slower than your feet." This seemed to make Knuckles extremely angry he growled and glared at Sonic who is calm and not bothered.

Sonic threw the flower away Knuckles charged at us Sonic and me jumped up dodging the attack I noticed he was only after Sonic when I dodged a different direction and Knuckles continued after Sonic.

I followed them and watched the fight the funny part was when Sonic fell into the stream with Knuckles. Sonic freaked out soon realized it wasn't deep at all Sonic said when he finally noticed he shrugged saying," It's lucky I feel into the kitty pool." I quietly giggled thinking it was funny.

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