Chapter twenty-four_(24)

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••These invisible shackles,
They bar my throat.
Guarding my words and
Chaining me to the dungeons of silence••

  "What's up? Why were you guys seating with dem Ifeanyi?" Ada asked and Wilson just continued eating his food silently, not even glancing up or acknowledging anyone.

"Long story, but I did something bad to him this morning and then I later apologized and he invited us to join them," I explained and that made Wilson drop his spoon and look up at me.

"You," he said, his face expressionless. "He invited you, not us."

"Well, yeah he invited me and I made Wilson join too." I cleared my throat, getting annoyed at Wilson's antics.

"Okay, sha be careful. Those boys aren't exactly the best group of people to be friends with in this school. They're stupid, obviously and very petty with girls." Ada said, disgust shining brightly through her facial expression and I rolled my eyes. Like I didn't know that already.

"I know o! You wouldn't believe one of them was asking for my snap so I would send nudes to him!" I couldn't help but gag as the words left my mouth.

"What the fuck! What did you now say to him?" Faith exclaimed, her big eyes widening even more.

"I told them they were a stupid bunch of fucktards." Wilson chipped in, his eyes still glued to his food with a small smile playing on his lips.

"Exactly what they needed to hear! Useless pigs! Honestly, the boys in this school are so stupidly disgusting that I want to let go of my scholarship and change schools sometimes!" Ada lamented and we all agreed on how truly useless most of the boys were before we finished the last bits of our foods and headed to classes after the bell went off.

I walked into chemistry class, feeling way better than I did earlier that morning after spending time with the trio that had become more like a pillar of support than just friends to me.

Nobody had fixed seats in chemistry class, as we usually had classes in the laboratory and anyone could seat anywhere they found space. Most of the students hadn't come in yet and the few ones who were in were playing with the plastic, skeleton placed at the entrance to the lab. They were four girls and they looked so happy in their little group, goofing around and taking pictures with the skeleton. One of them said something with a brow-raised at the others, she had a bandana tied around her head and her brown skin--not too fair, not too dark--gleamed under the lights. I watched her smile at the end of her words, her crooked teeth showing as the tallest one in the group leaned towards the skeleton, her lips pushed forward in a bid to kiss it.

"Settle down everyone! And those of you kissing the skeleton too, well-done o!" Mr Akin yelled, snapping my attention forward and I quickly settled on a stool closest to the front. The girls scurried in after me, giggling and quickly hiding their phones in the pockets of their lab coats. Phones were allowed, but you couldn't flaunt or use them anyhow while classes were on-going.

I smiled and quickly looked away after the fair, pretty one among them caught me staring, and I adjusted my lab coat and leaned forward to face Mr Akin as he started talking.

Asides English, Chemistry was my second best subject and I always enjoyed every class, especially when we performed experiments with chemicals. We'd done titration so many times that I could do it in my sleep, flawlessly.

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