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Tord had a problem. A big one. All he could think about was Tom. He loved the little adventures that just the two of them went on. Edd was just an afterthought. Tord loved being around Tom. Whenever Edd would try to be near him, he just couldn't be genuinely interested in having a conversation with him. Edd could probably sense it, he wasn't dumb. While Tom and Tord were on their adventures, Tord was ninety percent sure he was with Matt all those times. 

Right now, Edd and Tord were on the couch, talking for the first time in a while. However, they weren't talking about each other.

"Matt thinks that it's great that you and Tom are hanging out. Tom seems so much happier now." Tord smiled.

"I'm glad. I want to keep Tom happy, or who knows what'll happen?" Tord said "i want to keep him alive." He whispered as an afterthought. Edd heard this, and smiled. Tord was always concerned with others, wasn't he?

"Do you want to do something with me tomorrow? All we ever do is hang out on the couch." Edd said, sitting back on the couch. Tord thought for a moment. He and Tom were supposed to hang out tomorrow. Maybe he could have time for both?

"How about we go to a restaurant in the evening?" Tord suggested. Edd thought for a moment. 

"Sure! I have some drawings that I need to finish up, and I'll be done probably by seven. How does seven sound?" Tord nodded.

"Sounds perfect." He said, smiling. Edd hugged Tord. Tord tensed up slightly, but immediately relaxed himself. It was unnoticed by Edd. Tord returned the hug, smiling. This is what he wanted. 

Edd kissed Tord on the cheek, and got up.

"I've got to go start drawing now, so I'll see you soon!" Edd exclaimed. He made a little heart shape with his hands. Tord smiled, and waved weakly. Tord sighed. Now he had nothing to do. That problem, however, was solved quickly when Matt came into the room. He sat on the couch next to Tord, smiling.

"Y'know, I thought you were just a self-centered douche-bag." Matt started. Tord sighed, and rolled his eyes.

"Gee, thanks."

"You didn't let me finish. That's what I thought at first. Now that you've been hanging out with Tom, I can see the change in both of you. Tom, he's far happier than he was two weeks ago. He used to just cry in his room until he eventually passed out. Now, I see him smiling, and just humming. It doesn't sound like a lot, but trust me, it is. And with you, I can visibly see how much you care about him. I can see how much you love to go on adventures with him. Trust me, he loves going out to do small things with you. So, basically, the point of this big speech, is thank you. Thank you for helping Tom. You've really helped him, and I am so grateful. Tom has changed. Very most likely for the better. You care about him more than you show." Matt smiled.

Matt left a stunned Tord on the couch. Honestly, Tord had only one thought as Matt walked off.

Matt was right.

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