Going home

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Alaric's PoV
Damon came to me and basically forced me to help him rescue Stefan from a house filled with century old vampires. But I was more than willing once I realised bailey was in there, she was like a daughter to me. I ran towards the door of the vampires house in the pouring rain and knocked shaking from the cold. "Oh good someone's home." I stared playing my part, as the man opened the door and by Damon's descriptions he was Fredrick. "Uh can I use your phone?" I asked politely keeping my heart rate steady. He look at me skeptically so I continued "my....my..... my car broke down a couple miles back." I looked towards the road mentally cursing myself for stuttering. "Your house was the first I saw." I smiled nervously. "Well lucky you" he replied showing not emotion "yeah lucky me" I said still shivering from the rain, Fredrick didn't say anything and just stared at me. "It's no trouble is it?" I asked worried the plan had already failed. " not at all" he said opening the door wider so I could enter. "Great, phew" I stepped in looking around while rubbing my hands together, thankful for the warmth. "Hey man" I turned round and watched him stare at me. "I really appreciate it, it's rough out there." I looked behind me and saw another vampire standing there starring. Fredrick then addressed this man "Billy, show our visitor where the phone is in the kitchen." He told billy once again barely any facial expression. "And get me something to drink." Shit! I smiled at him "yeah. Sure thing." Billy replied I then followed billy into there kitchen. On the way I spotted loads of vampires sitting in different rooms. Billy turned around and saw me looking around I stopped and just smiled towards him. We walking in the kitchen to see lady chopping vegetables. "Hey miss gibbons, he wants to use your phone." He addressed her smirking, she smiled still chopping. "Sure honey, it's right over there." She lifted her hand and pointed to the phone and I caught a glimpse of a bite mark upon her wrist. I thanked her and went straight to the phone, walking to the phone I slipped out my stake. Billy ran at me from behind but I swiftly turned and staked him, dead. I turned on the tap and blender to stop anyone listening in "what's happening?" She asked sweetly. "I'm sorry but your gonna have to invite" I paused and opened the back door. "A friend off mine inside" she held the door open "oh I'm sorry. He's not allowed in." Damon looked annoyed "get her out the house now." I gently guided miss gibbons out and Damon began questioning her. I didn't pay attention to what they were saying to busy stressing about the other vampires. My attention was bought back by a sickening snap, Damon dropped her body to the floor. "You were suppose to compel her" I snapped angrily nobody was meant to get hurt. "It doesn't work that why." He replied bluntly walking into the house. "She was human!" "And I'm not! So I don't care. Now get out of here. And get rid of the body." I signed in defeat and picked up miss gibbons.

Baileys PoV
I'm still on the couch with the two vampires, though they are nice. I haven't seen or heard anything since alaric passed several
Minutes ago. I saw someone sped passed the doorway catching the vampires attention. "What was that?" One asked sounding scared. "I'll go check it out" he got up and headed to the door "bailey stay with Jake alright." He looked at me I quickly nodded not risking my chances else where. Then he left leaving just me and Jake, I looked at Jake noticing how much he looked like a Jake. "Could you please stop starring." He asked sounding annoyed, but I wanted to find away to get to alaric. After a few minutes I plucked up the courage and tapped his arm lightly. He turned his head towards me. "Umm I have to pee?" It was the first thing that came to my mind and to be honest I did have to go. "Can't you hold it?" He questioned clearly not wanting to take me. I shock no and he sighed in defeat taking my hand harshly dragging me along. On the way to the bathroom something hit Jake from behind. He groaned in pain and fell down. Gasping in shock I turned around to see Damon and Alaric. "Dami" I ran towards him he welcomed me into a quick hug before passing my to alaric, while he fought the other vampire who looked after me. Damon had him down with a stake against his hurt. "No! Stop!" I begged Damon, seeing the vampires terrified expression, Damon looked at me shocked. "Please dami He's my friend." My eyes began watering not wanting to lose anyone else. While Damon was distracted he took his chance and sped away. Alaric set me down as we headed towards the door. Outside where at least 20 more vampires ready to attack us. I whimpered in fear hugging into Alaric's leg. "How many vervain darts you got left?" He asked alaric glancing at down at me. "One" was his reply "not gonna be enough, Damon stressed. "Stay behind me munchkin. This is gonna get messy." I moved behind Damon still starring at the vampires. They began to move forward and I shock in fear. "Stop whats going on here." A smartly dressed lady appeared stepping in front of the other vampires. "What did you do?" She asked Damon. "'Me! Your merry little band of vampires have spent the day torturing my brother. Probably traumatised a 4 year old!" He snapped, the lady looked at me with remorseful eyes. "Trust me. The parties responsible for this will be dealt with." Damon lifted me into his arms as we walked toward her. "Our little agreement doesn't work unless you learn to control them." He gestured to the other vampires. "This wasn't suppose to happen, I would never put a child through that." She looked straight at me "I'm sorry" I stared at her not knowing what to do or say. "If I had a good side, not a way to get on it." Damon told her before taking me alaric back. After being buckled into my car seat I felt really sleepy. "Don't worry bailey your safe now." Damon told me and I let darkness consume me.

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