They Get Revenge

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Tony Stark: He gets you hoodies and all but you keep saying they don't smell like him so he gives you his an take back the other ones and once they lose the smell y'all swap

Steve Rogers: He doesn't mind

Clint Barton: He steals your uhhhh sexy underwear in revenge

Thor: He doesn't mind he gets you your own capes

Bruce Banner: he tried to scare you but he ended up getting hit in the balls

Peter Parker: He steals your clothes but it makes no difference

Natalia Romanova: she tried to steal your bras but they was way too small

Loki: He did nothing cause he knew how hard headed you are

Pietro Maximoff: He throws you other his shoulders and runs knowing you hate it

Bucky Barnes: He steals your scrunchies but if you have short hair like me he failed cause you got short as hell hair and have no use for them

Sam Wilson: He wire your sexy dress and all

T'Challa: he stole your makeup

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