s e v e n t y - s i x

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"Where is he?!" I screamed. "Mary! Where is he?!"

Her eyes widened at how frantic I was.

She glanced behind her and at the Pack House.


There. There. There.

The word resonated throughout my body.

My body turned towards the House.


I recognised his scent. And as I approached the Pack House, I recognised his scent.

I was in desperation.

He was not dead. He was not dead. He was not dead.


And, there he was, at the door to the Pack House, his body wounded and mangled. 

Blood. There was blood on him. His blood.

"Liam! Wake up, Liam!"

He couldn't wake up. He was dead. 

He could wake up. He wasn't dead. 

He couldn't wake up. He was dead. 


I was consumed by all of my emotions.

"Please, Liam."


"Wake up!"


"Why won't you wake up, Liam?!"



It was as though I was being torn apart as all of my emotions consumed me.

He did not have a heart beat.

He was dead. I knew he was dead.



It was as though he was there with me.

"Wake up, Liam! Please!"

"He is dead."

My throat tightened.


"He can't wake up because he is dead."

"Who are you?"

It was a voice. 

It was not the voice of the Angel or a voice of a Soulmate but a voice.


My voice.

"I'm you."

There were questions that lingered in my mind but all I could concentrate on was Liam.

"He's here," I insisted. "You tell me he's dead. But... He's here."



"His Soul is here, because we, his Soulmate, are here."

"He's not dead?"

"He is dead."


"All of him but his Soul is dead."

The tears stained my face as I pulled his mangled body into my arms.

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