Chapter 16

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"This is your last warning. Leave, human."

The deep voice filled my ears just when I landed on my hands and knees in the dust. I snapped my head around, however, all I caught was the sound of disappearing footsteps.

For a second I considered running after the culprit, but then I dismissed the foolish thought. Whoever it was, he or she was definitely a werewolf and I a mere human.

With a sigh in resignation I reached for my phone, which was lying on the ground a few inches away. Instead of a smooth black screen, it now sported a new ragged line that ran diagonally across the screen.

"Are you kidding me?"

I looked up at the ceiling and sank down onto my bottom. After everything I had been through, this felt like another push away from my family. How was I supposed to find them now?

"Was breaking my phone really necessary?" I glared up at the ceiling.


I snapped my head to the top of the stairs, where a dark figure appeared a moment later. Even with the darkness I would have recognized his lanky figure anywhere.


"What happened?" He jumped down all five steps and knelt next to me. "Did you fall? Are you hurt?"

"I'm fine." The words slipped off my tongue before I could even think about them.

The culprit, who had pushed me down the stairs, could have been anyone. Even Larry... Well, judging by his frantic movements to make sure I was okay, it probably wasn't Larry. But everyone else was a suspect. And the last thing I wanted was to make the person develop an even bigger grudge against me.

"I'm fine," I repeated and nudged his careful hands off my ankle.

"What are you doing here?" He rose back into a standing position and offered me his hand. "And on your own. You can't be outside your room on your own. You could get lost."

"No, I can't." I jumped up without his help and stuffed the now useless phone into the pocket off my jeans.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, I can't get lost."

"Of course, you can. The pack house is huge. Even I sometimes find myself lost, if I don't pay enough attention to where I'm going."

I had it on the tip of my tongue to tell him about my sense of direction, however, the whispering voice in the back of my head stopped me. Just as countless times before it told me there was no point. No one would believe whatever I said.

Still, I dug my nails into my palms and forced my lips to pull apart. "Two lefts, three rights and another left."

"What?" He blinked a couple of times.

"Two lefts, three rights and one left. Those are the turnings we need to take to reach the staircase leading back up onto the first floor."

"You're making that up."

I could already imagine the little voice laughing with an I told you so grin, however, I pushed it back down before that could happen.

"Count the turnings and we'll see."

Without waiting for his agreement, I ascended the five stairs and then began making my way down the dark hallway. Within my third step Larry caught up to me and together we made our way to the staircase.

"No way." He shook his head once we rounded the last left corner and reached the staircase.

"Do you want me to tell you how many and which turnings I need to take to reach my room?"

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