You're a Soldier

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You were laying on the ground, bleeding from your arms and your lower stomach. You coughed again and more blood came out of your mouth. You silently swore under your breath as you looked around the woods you were in to see the carnage. You and the boys were sent to reinforce the front lines down in lower Mantle against a small Grimm incursion. So you thought it was small. The Grimm went on for miles and after everything you had all went through, you won. Yet at a cost. You had no idea where some of your platoon was located.

You could see a few of them, dead or nearing death same as yourself. You kept swearing to yourself as you realized you couldn't save your teams, your friends. You then heard engines roar and something was landing near you. You slowly turned your head, hope grew as you knew you could get your boys to safety. Then that hope turned to utter disappointment when you saw who was leading this "rescue operation"...Ciel Soleil. You and her had known each other for years...didn't mean you liked one another. Not anymore.

She made her way towards you, checking the bodies behind you as she did, making sure they were alive. Finally, she was able to reach you and glanced down directly at you. She kneeled down and placed a hand on your neck to feel your pulse.

Ciel: How are you feeling soldier?

(Y/N): (Weakly) Is that all I am to you?

Ciel: I'm addressing you with respect. Return it.

(Y/N): and I both know tha-(coughs) that's bullshit.

Ciel: (Sighs) (Y/N), dammit. We need to get you on the move.

You grabbed her wrist, covering her selves in your blood. That got her to stop moving and look right back at you. You stared directly at her and coughed a bit more blood up.

(Y/N): That's not happening until you get my men out of here first! Do you understand me?

Ciel: (Y/N), you are in no position to-

(Y/N): DO you understand me damnit?!

Ciel took in a deep breath and slowly began to nod in agreement. You pulled her back down to your level.

(Y/N): So...what am I to you? I mean this it this time, Ciel.

Ciel takes a deep breath and looks back at you. She enters thoughts back to when you two were in Atlas with one another in some sort of flashback. Ciel had grabbed some lunch and moved over to a table along the near corner of the cafeteria. At the table down from her, you and your team sat and you had two straws in your mouth, acting like a walrus.

Sure it got a laugh out of your teammates but Ciel rolled her eyes and glared at you. She didn't think much of you at the current moment so she didn't really care. However, she began to care as you made more and more jokes throughout your time at Atlas Academy. You liked keeping things light hearted and while some were annoyed, a majority loved it as it broke the mentality that everything had to be perfect.

Finally, Ciel snapped during lunch one day as you made more dumb jokes that you yourself didn't really like. She slammed her tray onto the table and leaned down to you. While your teammates leaned back in worry, you smirked and stayed perfectly still.

Ciel: Knock it off! You need to grow up! This is the military! Not some stupid comedy show!

(Y/N): Well thanks stating the obvious there, princess. Man you must be a wealth of information. What are you a Schnee because only a stuck up bitch like that cares.

Ciel reeled back in shock before she glares at you and your smug look. She began to lean forward.

Ciel: What's your rank?

(Y/N): Student. Same as yours.

Ciel: And you know that because-

(Y/N): Your uniform. Duh. Blue is always student and or recruit. Green is sergeant, yellow lieutenant, red is captain and white is commander.

Ciel:'re not completely mentally handicapped.

(Y/N): Retarded. The word is retarded. Don't go PC on me.

Ciel: Do you have any respect for this institution?

(Y/N): Yes. Everyone who doesn't have a stick up their asses. So, are you going to yell at me some more or do something about it?

Ciel glares more at you.

Ciel: Training ground 4. Five minutes.

(Y/N): Works for me.

Surely enough, five minutes later, you and Ciel stood opposite one another. You cracked your back and stretched as Ciel got her rifle ready. You got your own rifle out and got into a stance against Ciel. The two of you glared at one another before dashing forward and clashing against one another. Ciel fired at you and you blocked the attacks and slammed your mace onto the ground and kicked Ciel in the chest.

After she rolled back from your attack, she glanced up and you kicked the rifle out of her hand and beat her with the handle of the mac.

(Y/N): what I can do.

You place the mace just above her head, keeping her pinned down.

(Y/N): You lose.

Ciel: (Sighs) Very well.

(Y/N): And you are?

Ciel: Private Ciel Soleil.

(Y/N): (Y/N) (L/N). You need to start focusing more on close quarters plus your aim could use some work. So, feel free to ask if you need any help whatsoever.

Ciel: Why would you do that?

(Y/N): Simple. You hate me and I hate you so it will be fun for both of us. We get to beat each other up.

Ciel: Seems animalistic.

(Y/N): Yeah, it's called fighting.

Ciel glared at you while you gave her a smile in return. That is what began your little rivalry. The two of you would insult one another, fight one another, improve with one another and so forth and so on. From then on, you two were often seen with one another throughout the first year. While some got to tease you, honesty, you also made jokes about it. Of course, that alone got Ciel pissed off at you but its not lick you really cared.

During the final training session of the school year, you swung your mace only for it to miss Ciel's head. You spun around and stabbed into the ground. However, before you could complete your move, Ciel beat you to it and flipped backwards and also kicked you chin. Before you could hit the ground, Ciel ran past your mace and elbowed you into the ground. You rolled along to the side as Ciel attempted to kick you.

You swung your legs around to trip her but she hoped over your swing and got you into a pin.

(Y/N): Eh! You beat me?

Ciel: I did.

(Y/N): Nice work.

Ciel helped you to your feet. The two of you smiled at one another as the friendship you both had fully blossomed. In the years to come, you and Ciel began to date one another. However, that would eventually fall apart due to the constant streak of military life and you just wanting to get a license and leave the entire kingdom. That alone drove you both apart and soon, you both broke up.

And now, here you were, a soldier on the battlefield. Loosing your will to live as blood leaves your body. You could slowly look around and see some of your men getting airlifted but Ciel was still by your side.

(Y/N): I?

Ciel looked at you, a few tears leaving her eyes. She leaned down to you and kissed your cheek.

Ciel: You're a friend. A good person. A great man. I love you, (Y/N).

You smiled.

(Y/N): Finally (Coughs) Got you (coughs again) To say it......I love you too.

Finally, life faded from your eyes as you left this world. Ciel hugged your dead body as tears came from her eyes and she released a silent scream into the world. 

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