30. Gordie 1k Special Imagine

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*Gordie's POV*
I've been planning to ask her out for ages and now the dance was on the way and no ones asked her and so now, finally now is my chance. But how do I do it, how do I ask her, I'm always so shy around her and honestly I think she's starting to notice somethings up.

I just don't know how I should ask her....oh wait, I've got an idea.

*Your POV*
You were walking down the school corridor on your way to your locker which was right bang centre in the middle of all the diverting corridors. Lucky you.

As you finally reached your annoying ass locker after 10 minutes of pushing and shoving everyone out of your way in the bustling corridor. Of course surrounding you was posters of the dance tomorrow night that by the way no one had invited you to (yet) and of course couples pushed against lockers making out were in perfect direct view. Ew.

You pulled a face "Ew get a room." the couple pulled away and glared at you and the girl spat "Shut up." you stuck your tongue out and punched in your 4-digit number code and the blue locker opened.

"What the fuck?" you mumbled whilst pulling out a bunch of yellow flowers with a confused expression, you smelled the flowers and wow..they were definitely not cheap. You then finally found out there was a green post-it note attached to the back, you pulled it off and placed the flowers back in your locker whilst you read the small green note.

"Hey Y/N, I got here early to ask the janitor to open your locker so I could put these in here so that's how I got them in here. Anyway.
Out of all the girls I know I think by far you are the best.
I guess I look good in a suit and I bet you look amazing in a dress.
I suck at dancing and definitely cannot sing on key.
But I would be most honoured if you would like to go to the dance with me."

You were gobsmacked, "Woah who's the lucky guy?" your bestfriend Y/F/N said excitedly but her expression changed when she saw the couple beside her. "Ew get a room!" she shouted catching everyone's attention, deliberately, the couple pulled apart and shot everyone a glare whilst walking away together.

You laughed at the couple along with everyone else but then turned back to Y/F/N and shook your head "God you've got some guts, anyway yeah I don't know who." Y/F/N frowned "No way! There's no name or nothin', anything?" you raised an eyebrow "Yeah, sadly nothin' at all."

Y/F/N shrugged "Oh that's sad well anyway we better get going then." you shot her a confused look "Class doesn't start for another..." you looked at your watch "Another 8 minutes."

Y/F/N laughed "No, no, we are going boy hunting. I still need to find myself a date and we need to find your secret admirer, look it's Thursday and the dance is tomorrow night let's hurry up, we don't have a lot of time left." you just sighed and pointed to the corridor in-front of the two of you and said "Let's head off this way on our great 8 minute, no now 7 minute quest to find boys."

"Even more reason to look" she then took your hand and dragged you down the long busy corridor in hope to find someone who would take her or find the someone that left you them flowers.

*The next day: Friday*
After searching all of yesterday and re-reading the note 500 times when you got home you still hadn't found out who this mystery boy was. So as you thought and thought it soon made you realise it was probably a prank or something from one of the jocks....but why would they waste money on flowers that were so expensive. As thoughts racked your brain you fell asleep and woke up in the morning with a flaming temper. No one better get in your way today.

You walked into the school building and stormed down the corridors knocking into whoever or whatever was in your path as you really didn't care. As you finally got to your locker you put your combination in but the locker wouldn't budge open so you slammed your fist as hard as you could on the blue locker door and it opened. You had of course left a dent. Shit. Well you couldn't care less anyway.

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