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Chapter Three : Interview

Trust? This kid makes no sense whatsoever. I asked him why his attitude towards me changed and he replies trust. Whatever.

I checked the time and realized that my interview was in an hour and I didn't have anyone to take me there. Cadillac handed me the plate with the sandwich on it and went to the living room. I grabbed the sandwich and gobbled it up in a matter of seconds. I didn't realize how hungry I was and it was a really good sandwich.

I put the plate into the dishwasher and walked over to Cadillac.

"Hey, you don't have anything to do this afternoon do you?" I asked.

"Nothing much. Why?"

"I have an interview at the library. 12 o'clock. Could you drive me?"

"Oh, so now you want to get into my car."

"Look, I'm sorry about before. I just need a ride. Please. I don't have my own way of transportation yet."

"What do I get in return?"

"What do you want?"

"We each have our own chores around here. Do mine for a week and I'll drive you."

"Deal," I stated without even thinking it over.

It was already 11, so we had to leave soon. I checked google maps and saw that the library my interview is taking place was twenty minutes away. A bit inconvenient, but I'll take whatever I can get.

"Let's go," he announced ten minutes after our most recent conversation. I was still changing into my interview outfit.

"I'm coming!" I shouted.

I looked into the mirror that was next to the bed and fixed my hair so that I didn't look like a lion. I was wearing black tights with a light green and blue striped sweater. When I was satisfied with the way I looked, I grabbed my bag and left my room.

"Come on Fiona. You're gonna be late."

"Ok, ok. I'm ready."

We walk down the stairs and he leads the way to his car. When we get there, he unlocks the car and I slip into the passenger seat. He starts the engine and I buckle my seat belt.

We don't talk on the way to the library.

When we get there all he says to me is "give me your phone."

"What, why?"

"Just give it."

I give him my phone and he types something in.

When he hands the phone back he says, "Call me when your interview is done."

Then he left, and I was standing alone in front of the Bernache Drie Library.

The first thing I saw when I walked into the library was a grand staircase made of glass leading up to multiple shelves of books. There were tables full of children and adults just reading. In the corner, there was a group of children being read a book by a girl who looked like she was still in high school. She's probably a volunteer.

I walked up to the checkout counter to ask about my interview and the lady pointed me towards the end of the room. I made my way over there but I was too busy staring at all the books that I didn't realize where I was going. That's when I walked right into a bookshelf.

I felt some books fall down onto my head and some guy behind me rushed over to me and asked, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah," I groaned while trying to get up onto my feet. "I'm fine."

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