Chapter three - Idols

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Nobody's POV

Y/N was currently running to out of the train station headed for a talent agency like a headless chicken.

"Crap, I am going to be late!" he thought to himself.

Flashback- Fifty minutes ago

"So Y/N, I know you have already gotten us two bands to play at the concert..." started Marina.

"Why do I feel like there's going to be a but," sighed Y/N.

"...but two bands, no matter how good, is not nearly enough for the whole concert, so in good faith I have arranged a meeting between you and another band on the list; Pastel Palettes!" she exclaimed.

"Okay Marina, that's great, but when and where is it?" asked Y/N.

"Today, in an hour and the talent agency is downtown!" she replied as if there wasn't a problem.

"A hour!? How am I suppose to get there?" Y/N questioned in disbelieve "It takes twenty minutes to get there by train!"

"Well then, you better get going," she said while turning away and getting back to work.

So Y/N sprinted as if he was in a marathon for a million dollars.

Back to present

Y/N arrived in front of the agency panting with his head staring at his bended knees.

"," he said in exhaustion before entering the agency.

Once he entered divine cool air hit him. "Ahh...holy cool air, restore me in strength!" Y/N blabbed while throwing his arms into the air to catch as much as the airconditioned air as he possibly could.

"What is your business here sir?" asked a dispassionate pretty, young secretary.

Y/N, intelligently, jumped back like a cat in suprise of the secretary's sudden question. Lucikly Marina, for once, had actually briefed him on what he was doing here, suppose to say, so Y/N played it cool.

"I have an appointment with Pastel Palettes at 3:30pm," replied Y/N quickly.

The secretary turned to her computer and stared for a while. "Ah, I see. In that case you must be Y/N L/N," she said pausing as if there was a mistake. "WAIT Y/N L/N!"

"Shhh!" Y/N hissed. "You will be doing me a favour if you stay silent about this."

"Fine, but in return..." her voice trailed off. " must give me your autograph."

An autograph turned into questions and selfies which did a great job burning the little time he had left. Eventually Y/N manage to get away from the eager secretary.

Timeskip- Hallway

"Whew, damn, too close. I should have known Marina would have pulled something like this," he muttered under his breath to nobody. "Remind me never to share anymore of my secrets with Marina."

While he knew she probably saw this as a harmless prank, if only she would respect and understand his decision to lay low. He doubet anyone would understand or sympathize with him.

Timeskip- Talent agency's office

"This must be it," Y/N thought to himself as he knocked on the door softly.

No reply so he opened the door slowly.

"Uhh, sorry I am late," he said realising there wasn't a single soul inside.

Abracadabra (BanG Dream x Male reader) [ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now