Pain of loss

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Upon my bed I lay, content

Reminiscing about the day well spent.

Laughter and joy, happiness and smile,

Little did I know that it wouldn't last a long mile.


The day that followed, I woke up to dread.

Bombs and missiles, throughout the country, spread.

Heartless, callous, cruel and not an ounce of regret.

Wonder, what from this, do they get?


Thought only nature could bring torment through natural calamity.

Guess, I was wrong, those, they destroy lives with no pity.

Those who brought human disaster,

Broke each and every life, faster and faster.


My family, my friends, they snatched,

Through the missiles they had dispatched.

For this, it is none other than them, they are the cause.

Tears welled up my eyes, dreading my loss.


My heart, they ruthlessly tore.

This day, nothing like the day before,

which had bundles of joy and happiness.

But now, I see nothing but distress.


As I walked through the frozen street,

I heard screams and pleas.

Made me run back in retreat.

Couldn't help but fall on my knees.


Blood, bones and guns is all I see.

Oh! They all cried, wanting to be free.

Everything is still, as still as it can be.

Stuck in a situation that I couldn't agree.


What I couldn't take is the sickening silence,

Maddening me by every second.

Why do they have to choose violence?

Is this going to be my end?


The tears, they cascade, as they fall down my cheek.

Jumbled Words of Understanding (Poetry) #WATTYS2019Where stories live. Discover now