Captain America is Needed

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Steve was having one of his many nightmares, it felt very much real almost like it was more of a memory then a dream. It was about Bucky falling off the train then it transition to the plane crashing into the ocean. Steve jump up waking himself up with sweat covering his body, Steve took a few deep breaths trying to calm himself down, Ramona whine from the floor looking at Steve with curious and worry. She sensed that he was having another dream due to his heart rate spiking, Steve look down to Ramona with wide eyes and heavy breathing before looking around his room reminding himself that he was home and safe. "Oh man girl, that dream keep reoccurring, I can't tell if they are dreams or just remembering." Steve said. Steve took off his covers and getting out of bed. "I think a trip to the gym will work, hopefully I can just get tired that way." Steve said as he was walking to his bathroom to change. Ramona just laid her head back down of the floor giving a huff of air. Steve walked out the bathroom dress and ready for a workout, "Come on girl, let's head out." Steve said hooking Ramona up on her leash. Ramona gave a big yawn and a shake before sleepy following Steve out the door.

The walk to the gym wasn't far, but still a good distance were Steve try to clear his head and for Ramona to relieve herself before making it to the building. That dream wasn't something that is going away this time. "I don't get it girl, that dream felt so real, I could even feel the cold and the water, I can feel everything." Steve said in a daze like state, Ramona walked closer to Steve giving his hand a lick and rubbing her head on his side trying to give comfort. Steve smiled giving Ramona love, "I know girl, i'm glad you were sleep and not experiencing what i'm experiencing." Steve said giving Ramona a hug before entering the building. Steve unhook Ramona allowing her to roam around, the gym owner didn't mind as long as she didn't make a mess of things. Steve then moved around the gym working out on the different equipment before moving to the punching bag. Ramona found a good conner watching Steve workout, she let out a big yawn before putting her head down and relaxing. As Steve was punching the bag, Ramona started to notice that his heart rate was rising, his punches was becoming harder and his breathing was becoming more labor. Ramona knew what this meant, having to seen Steve like this before and decided to move from her conner, a bag of sand wasn't the best when it get in your fur.

Just as Ramona left her conner the bag came flying by right on cue. Steve blinked a few times, coming out of his stupa, before reaching for a new bag. Ramona gave out a low growl, spotting Nick in the door way, Steve pause before continuing grabbing the bag and hooking it up. "Couldn't sleep?" Nick asked with a small smirk. Steve took a deep breath, he didn't want to deal with the man at the moment, "I think i've slept long enough sir." Steve said with little annoyance, not so much about Nick, but just dealing with remembering everything. "You should really get out more, the world is an amazing place." Nick said while walking deeper into the room, but keeping his eye on the huge dog that was still growling. "The last thing I remember about the world sir, was that we were at war, then find out we won the war." Steve said, giving up on his workout for the night. "Ramona down, calm down girl." Steve said patting Ramona on her head while taking off his hand wrappings. Ramona stop her growling, but still keeping a careful watch on the man. Nick side-eyed the dog then continue on with what he had to say, "Yes, we've made mistakes, some recently." Nick said, "Is there something you need sir." Steve said feeling like he knew were this conversation was going. "Yes, we need you in the field again Captain, if you're interested." Nick said handing Steve a folder with information about the Tesseract. Steve took the folder and briefly looked through it,"Hydra secret weapon" Steve muttered. "Howard Stark, fished that out the ocean looking for you, he did many studies on it and found it had unlimited energy along with other components." Nick explain giving Steve time to look over the information. Steve close the folder then handed it back to Nick. "Who took it from you?" Steve asked feeling a headache coming on.

"His name is Loki, he's...not from around here, if you know what I mean." Nick said explain to Steve what happen in the pass 24hrs."The world have gotten stranger Captain, more then i'm sure you've experience." Nick said with a small smirk, Steve gave a small laugh"Nothing surprise me anymore sir." Steve said gathering his workout equipment and cleaning his space, "Come on Ramona." Ramona turned her head away from Nick then following Steve out the room, growling as she passed Nick, "I bet you ten dollars you will be surprise!" Nick said in a joking matter, "Do you have any information you can give me about the Tesseract?" "You should've left it in the ocean." Steve said with a solemn demeanor, walking with Ramona not far behind.

Steve didn't bother putting Ramona on her leash, his mind was on overload. He wanted to get back in the field, it was calling out to him. Being at home was boring, he didn't know what to do with himself. Plus this will take his mind off things, "Well girl, I guess i'm back in the game, of course you're coming with me i'm not leaving you here alone, not now, not ever." Steve said while walking back to their home getting ready to pack for their trip. "I hope I can do this again, things are different, I just want to be helpful again." Steve said. Ramona was enjoy their short walk back home staying faithfully to Steve said as they pass people that was leaving the nearby clubs and bars. The duo made it back home, Steve found the brief folder on the floor that someone slid underneath his door. Steve took a deep breath feeling the familiar rush he always get before a mission. Steve spend the rest of the night looking over the briefing, he didn't understand most of what he was reading, he really hope he can keep up when everything will be explain to him tomorrow. Steve sat the folder down before packing his things along with Ramona belongs. This will be the first mission he will go on after waking up from being frozen, Steve was ready, Captain America was ready.

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