episode 6: match made in hell?

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"As you can see, our stocks increased tremendously within just a week after we released the new Car play app," Lisa said pointing towards the projected image of a graph going up. "It is predicted to go up 10% more when we release the new updates for our OS in the coming months. We have to be aggressive when it comes to tech these days and we have to offer something new to entice the consumers."

"And how do we do that, Ms. Kim?" Mr. Lee asked—head of the marketing team. "We don't have enough tech to release with the schedule you've come up."

"Then we make more tech," she simply replied earning different reactions. Especially to the Engineering department.

"With all due respect, Ms. Kim," Mr. Song—head of the Engineering team, said. "We cannot just spit out tech like it's nothing. We already released two flagship phones this quarter. We can't release the next one 'til next year—"

"With all due respect as well, Mr. Song but, the last phone you've released was just like the previous one you've released but only changed the finish," she told him off. "That's not innovative enough. The industry is moving forwards so quickly and JH, Inc. cannot seem to follow the trend. Your team needs to come up with something new. Not recycled tech with fancier packaging."

This made Hoseok smile. He hired the right person.

"Since you can't seem to think of anything good to bring out, I've done some research and found a group of university students that have made portable powerbanks that requires no cable to charge a phone—"

Mr. Song laughed. "Wireless charging has been a thing now, Ms. Kim—"

"Will let me fucking finish?" Lisa cussing made everyone shocked. Hoseok tried his best to stop himself from laughing out loud. "I want to incorporate the charging capabilities within the phone. So that it could charge other phones as well. Like sharing power. Power share."

The executives turned to each other and were amazed at her boldness.

"If we incorporate this to our next flagship, we will be able to start a new age for smartphones," she said triumphantly.

The board members clapped their hands at the young COO. Hoseok couldn't feel more proud.

He had always known she was born to be in the highest position of a company. Like it was her talent. She liked bossing people around—but in a good way. To be honest, he even think's she's better than him and her brother combined.

Too bad Jin's too proud to even admit it. Lisa busted her ass for him but he never see her more than just his baby sister. It's not like she even wanted to be the CEO. Lisa never liked the idea of being the top man. Why? No one really knows.

"Oh, I almost forgot," Lisa said cutting everyone's chatters. "Mr. Song, you're fired."

He laughed.


"I quit YK today."

Lisa almost fell from her chair when she heard what Taehyung just said.

"What's the point, right? You're not there anymore," he said as he sat on the couch.

"I wasn't in YK for 3 years, Tae. Why quit now?" She stood up and went towards her twin brother.

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