chapter 5

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"you did all of this for me?"
"of course, i love you." then his lips were on mine, i had kissed back. 
"you don't know how long i waited to do that." jack smiled, giving me a quick kiss.

he then grabbed my hand and lead me to the picnic he set up. i sat down in between his legs while his arms wrapped around my waist. this felt like a dream, the ultimate fantasy, everything i ever wanted with a guy.

jack was smiling so big, this is the happiest i've ever seen him in my life.

little did i know, he was happiest with me.

there was this girl in his senior year, he was head over heels for her. i remember giving him advice throughout the time he liked her and comforting him by the time she broke up with him.

"i don't know what to do, help me! i really like this girl."
"jack you're stressing this out way too much, have you talked to her before?"

"she's my partner in physics."
"well how much do you guys talk?"
"i flirt with her everyday." he sighed.

i looked at him like 'wtf'
"does she respond?"
"she's unaware of me flirting so we just talk on a normal basis."
"be cute, be affectionate, ask her on a date."

he took out the desserts, strawberry cheesecake. he remembered, i thought. i loved strawberry cheesecake when i was younger because my grandmother would make it homemade, when she passed away jack took the recipe and would make it for special occasions. i was very mournful of my grandmother, jack did it since he thought it would cheer sam and i up but it cheered me up more than sam.

"i gotta go." jack said.
"wait why?" i sat up pausing the movie we were watching.
"i have a date with aaliyah and she just asked me to come over." i pouted.
"okay, i guess."
"don't worry babygirl, you're still my favorite person ever besides the boys." he ruffled my hair and kissed my temple as he got up and left.

we enjoyed each other's company, laying in each other's arms still in the same position i was before. staring out on the view of los angeles. in his arms, nothing but silence. i loved everything about this.

"jack stop, she wasn't worth it." i said through his loud sobs.
"she broke up with me but then after she tells me she cheated on me." his voice cracked.
"she isn't worth it after all of what you've guys been through, so what if it's been a year and six months. she could've been loyal to you jack."

my stupid junior advice isn't going to help him, he's already out of high school.

"she meant more than anything to me, why didn't she feel the same? why didn't she know?"
"i don't know jack, i'm not her. please stop crying, it makes me want to cry."
"i was in love with her, i saw a future with her. why'd she leave?"

"she's a bitch, you could do so much better, someone that's going to commit to you and stay loyal. i'm going to be here with you through every step of the way."
"promise?" he sniffled, sticking out his pinky."

"i promise."

"what was that, baby?" he said looking down at me.
"i had a flashback and it was something that i said to you awhile back."
"when you said you would be there with me every step of the way. i was sad, then we pinky promised."
"look, baby i'm still here."
"you keep your promises." he said, his grip getting tighter as if he was hugging me but from the behind.

i turned my head, facing him. i had placed my lips onto his, his moving in sync with mine. i had climbed onto him so i was basically straddling him. our small kisses had progressed into a mini makeout session. my phone dinged interrupting us, we pulled away and i grabbed my phone.

jacob: please come back to me. i made a mistake, i never meant to hurt you.
me: i don't know, i can't trust you. you hurt me jacob.
jacob: i'll make it up to you, please give me one more chance
read 3:41pm

i looked up from my phone and jack was glaring at me, i put my phone down.
"i saw your text." he bluntly said.
"jack i'm not-"
"i did this all for you! yet, you still wanna go back to him?" he raised his voice.
"did i say i wa-"
"stop. just get in the car, i'm taking you home." he coldly said.
"jack! you aren't listening to me!" i yelled at him.
"i don't need to listen to anything." he spat.
i got up and went back to his jeep, he took the entire picnic shoved it into the basket and threw it in the back seat.

i looked to my window, i felt frozen in my seat. i powered off my phone and let hot tears fall down my face. wiping them off with my arm, the silence and tension was too much. i felt so guilty, the silence had been interrupted by a phone call.

"hey." jack's voice had no emotion.
"it's for you, since you wouldn't answer your phone." he continued again, his tone was straight.
"hello." sammy said on the phone.

"hi, what did you need me for." my voice cracked.
"i was going to tell you, we have a dinner with everyone for johnson's birthday."
"oh," was all i could say.
"are you and gilinsky okay?"
"no," my voice cracked.
"are you on your way back?"

"yes, sammy." i cried out. i looked to jack as i hung up and gave him the phone, i had broken myself over another guy but this time he meant the world to me.

what the fuck did i just do..

i grabbed my phone from her hand, i was still angry.
her soft eyes met my furious ones, she immediately looked away.
i had hurt the girl i loved and i don't know what to do.

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