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Nothing comes outta' my mind,

It's empty, nothing to find

No words, no meanings, no emotions I can portray

Cause' everything is dark,dull in my display.


People look at me

To say,"Oh! Who is she?"

But what do they know about me?

There's a soul inside, longing to be free.


I just want to be alone,

Put me inside a room,

A room,dark and doom

That is when I will bloom.


Let me alone, let me be myself

Don't talk to me, I will to you, if I need help

Put me there, there, where its deathly dark

No one knows that there's where I spark.


And finally, I will come out

As a person, once they spoke about.

Here I am, a human

As a person, who I was, back then!

~By Mia M♥️


Any poor souls who could relate to the poem above please raise your hands up!

I figured a lot of teens go through this phase of depression, unable to be themselves and be the person they want to be.

I was person who always advised people to always think on the brighter side of things and asked themselves to stay away from things that made them feel that way.

As I time went by, i realised that i had to take a dose of my own medicine... never in a million years I thought i would go through depression. Unfortunately or fortunately, i was in denial. It was good because i avoided being pessimistic and kept leaving the negatives behind, but it was bad since all of those unrecognised incidents finally led up to a point where I couldn't take anymore. I couldn't share it with anyone at that time since no one seem to understand what i was going through.

That is when i wrote this poem, i wrote what i wanted to do- i wanted to be left alone with my thoughts to sort everything out-unfortunately everyone around me failed to understand that isolation is what i wanted, it was what i needed. They kept interrogating me about why i was soo . . .different, since i was a hyperactive and happy kid.

So yeah, eventually i started feeling better, figured out what made me feel better from that cage of distress and now everything is good- everything is gucci ;). . . I think!

Please vote and comment. Feel free to talk to me if u feel me that is the first thing you have to do.

Until next time,

Jumbled Words of Understanding (Poetry) #WATTYS2019Where stories live. Discover now